Stop in for a cup of coffee

I'll raise a glass to that flag... And that car...
Damn, I'm out. When I get out east to the Nats I need to see if they have it there and bring me home a case or two. I bought a 30 pack in Farmington Minnesota and I drank some there. Brought 24 or so home. I have been rationing them until last week. Then I ran out. Kinda like @Ben Drinkin and the Cedar Ridge he got from secret Santa. Gotta take it easy and enjoy the good stuff!
awesome low 80's low humidity day here - I got the good trailer completely emptied out, it took me about 4hrs. - lost count but I think I did 8 trips back and forth with the pickup. I have just enough room to put the bike in and the Scamp will still fit :thumbsup: - maybe a few other things