Stop in for a cup of coffee

Say, does any of you farts have a spare one of these laying round?
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Don't know if that uses the same inner parts as the one in a combo valve. There were a lot of problems with the aftermarket ones a couple years ago (including Inline Tube) Don't know if that has been resolved. I rebuilt my combo combining used parts from 2 valves. If you get a used one, I would advise opening and clean/inspect. They build up sludge. Just use a lot of care to get it all back together as it was. And there is a spring in there...
Wel-ll, anyone who travelled here to see something dramatic was disappointed I expect...lots of people set up in their beach chairs, I was the only person out in the water, many clouds brought diffused light in, so it only got dim, not dark. Still if you allowed yourself to be in the moment, the feeling was noticeable, that our significance is very small, and that there is no guarantee that you'll be around to witness another eclipse.