Stop in for a cup of coffee

:lol::lol: Have done that making a carrot cake. it turned into a 14 inch tall volcano in the oven. ended up all over the bottom of the oven.

Mine stayed perfectly square, no mess

Odd how we can work with tolerances within a thousandth of an inch.... but we can't operate simple kitchen devices!
well in my defense I had the "help" of 2 toddlers....
Odd how we can work with tolerances within a thousandth of an inch.... but we can't operate simple kitchen devices!
My problem with our measuring spoons...she got rid of the perfectly good old stamped metal ones we had years ago and replaced them with purty looking Chinese crap that all the sizes wore off of. :BangHead:
I decided the box display needed a little something more...

My problem with our measuring spoons...she got rid of the perfectly good old stamped metal ones we had years ago and replaced them with purty looking Chinese crap that all the sizes wore off of. :BangHead:
I'm a stickler when it comes to kitchen tools, they are just like shop tools in my mind.

They have to be good quality, function properly and last for as long as I choose to own them. Function and quality first...period.

If she brings home anything that doesn't pass my review, I tell her to take it back...or I'm getting my hammer and making sure it doesn't stay in the kitchen!
We will be married 31 years this week and we lived together for 3 years before that after dating for 4 years.

She knows what to expect. :D
From many out there ever heard of the "pencil trick" to check coil polarity?

Good morning folks. Pretty pleased with myself after getting the Beast fully disassembled and all parts except the tank indoors. And I'm not afraid of having that stolen from the driveway. It's easily 150 pounds. And really dirty.

I can't seem to find conn rods as spare parts so it looks like I'll be forced to get a new block unless I can have someone machine new ones for me. They seem kind of whimpy to me so I'm not confident the one that's still in one piece will live all that long.

Judging by the color of the oil, periodic maintenance has been ... overlooked.
A couple times my buddy had a devilbiss 445 fall in his lap. He sold them both to a compressor service shop.
They were big pumps. Wish i had one now. I still want to get my underhood compressor up and running,could come in handy.
Saturday morning i felt fine, sunday a little cough, thus morning full blown head cold. BLAH!!
Still got a lot to do, sure is difficult when my head is broken...

Did get the scissor hoist bolted onto the ram2500 though. It runs, but i didnt have enough atf.
And my remote starter, glad its done.
Saturday morning i felt fine, sunday a little cough, thus morning full blown head cold. BLAH!!
Still got a lot to do, sure is difficult when my head is broken...

Did get the scissor hoist bolted onto the ram2500 though. It runs, but i didnt have enough atf.
And my remote starter, glad its done.

Sorry, David! A friend passed along a tip, sleep with your head elevated just a little (xtra pillow) and it will help!
Sorry, David! A friend passed along a tip, sleep with your head elevated just a little (xtra pillow) and it will help!
Dave’s not here ,man. ^^^Frank.
Thanks for the tip.
Lol,sleep. More like lay down and wait for morning.
what a weekend (not so much in a good way) - spent the larger part of Sat. getting a new rug put in the bedroom -- about a 2 on the 1-10 fun scale, then we went to sis & BIL house for dinner - I noticed the weird cell phone issue while we were there - got home later than expected, took 3 aspirin and zonked. Woke up at 4 Sunday morning and couldn't get back to sleep - got up at 5 and spent the day trying to resolve that texting issue.. :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead: - yea, it ruined my day for sure - I'm still pissed off at the f**king thing. Then this morning the alarm didn't go off - leftover ramification from the Saturday rug project as EVERYTHING had to be unplugged to get that done and I forgot to turn the alarm on (I did set it- but then managed to forget it) - popped awake at 5:52 :eek::eek::eek: - I hate Mondays
5:52 is right about when I usually log off my computer and get ready to roll to work - - so now I am sitting here (at work) still drinking my first coffee - ugh
Oh thanks Frank. Got you and David 3 jaws mixed up. Damn annoying trying to type on a phone. I'll be able to think straight when I am back on my computer. Doctor said yesterday if I ate supper and stayed ok he'd have me out by 10 a.m. Maybe if the place catches fire, we know it takes hours to get discharged. As long as its sometime today I am cool. This is a great hospital though.
I think yesterday was **** day for all who post here for sure spent a few hours messing with the lift then two hours changing 4 6" pieces of fuel line. Get it done go to fire up the pressure washer the cord skipped, my wrist nailed the corner of the cast iron table saw. Never saw my own blood spurt out a few feet! Thank god for blood clot. Harley was a good help cleaning up the mess though......