Stop in for a cup of coffee

Thank you men, this tile has texture to it and is a bee-ach to clean after the work is put in grouting, but I ain't no quiter, I just role slow and steady :steering: this will take allot off my sons, and they BETTER be proud of the ol man on the hill when they show up to grout it in :lol:
The labor charge to install those are more then twice 16x16.
I think I already told the story: I pulled the family room carpet and found nice oak underneath. Needless to say the wifee wants to keep it. Here we go, refinish the floor. So much for my to do list. LOL


Memikie don't do carpet in my little cottage on the hill, no way can it be cleaned and defraged from the out side conditions we have here in Arkansas, plus Buddy hair and slobber :lol: I can see what is on the floor to clean :thumbsup: a carpet won't let me see what I need to ta get my little home clean :drama:
Hiya folks!

Just came back from a trip with the family to an experiment/science place about an hour from here. A good time! The 6yo didn't want to leave and they had a very nice beef chili in the restaurant. AND we're all still friends!
My son took his basket ball team to something like that and he raved how cool it was and the high school kids enjoyed it.
Hey @toolmanmike when I lived in that old house I loved, my friend was very particular about taking care of it, as he and his late partner had done so much work from where it had been neglected. He used something similar to this stuff when sweeping up, red pellets that clumped up all the dust and dog hair and left a shine. Also he used some bowling alley wax on it he would warm up in the oven.
Boardwalk Oil-Based Sweeping Compound, Grit-Free Powder, 50lbs BWK950NG
Thank you men, this tile has texture to it and is a bee-ach to clean after the work is put in grouting, but I ain't no quiter, I just role slow and steady :steering: this will take allot off my sons, and they BETTER be proud of the ol man on the hill when they show up to grout it in :lol:

Wish I was there, Mike, for some reason I love those kind of jobs where you just zone out and maybe chat philosophically about things...
and the red wax pellets, you don't use much, just toss a couple handfuls and sweep it around the whole room.

Can you tell I wish I had some hardwood floors and to be using that stuff again?
It's a little heart-wrenching for me to see a Charger neglected so much...and I am not used to the asking prices on a-bodies like that Swinger.

It is Indian summer here, almost 80 degrees and very light wind, I was at the beach yesterday, even going in the water it was comfortable.
The tide was way out, there were sandbars you could walk out on, with gaps you could wade across, you couldn't tell how deep it would get, there was a young lady a ways ahead who seemed timid about where to cross...I thought we could do it together, so we did, and she asked to shake my hand when we made it across, she said she was very afraid of the water and it was a big deal for her. I told her, next time when the tide is coming in and it's not far, you can do it by yourself.