Stop in for a cup of coffee

Cant i catch a break??
Its been weeks of snags and holdups. Now this.View attachment 1715238973car was serviced,awaiting pickup.
Damn meeces...
You need to employ one of these guys and meeces won't bother you

I stopped by a stone installer today to ask them to come by and give me a 2nd opinion on fixing the mess up on the house. The owner was not in so I have to wait for a phone call from him tomorrow. I hope they will stop by and let me know..
Well think I have my dash paint figured out. I remembered when I got the car delivered it had an assortment of extra stuff packed in it, including a can of Herb's Paint.
I remember looking at it and it was Metallic Navy. I thought what the heck did they have that color for....ding, ding, ding, it's the color they used for the dash pad and front of the dash when they restored it a few years ago.
I went down to the basement and found it after a short search. I sprayed some out and it looks like a match....mystery solved...I think.
Never.. Except that I'm still at work and it sets a really bad example!
I was going to knock it off for a while until I did my blood test for my physical. I have to go back first of next week to get stitches out and I can do the blood sample then. Hell, I might as well have one or 5. Cheers.
I was going to knock it off for a while until I did my blood test for my physical. I have to go back first of next week to get stitches out and I can do the blood sample then. Hell, I might as well have one or 5. Cheers.
Ya that shouldn't hurt anything.
:lol: Me and my wife would love to be able to retire... We are both already exhausted of having to work and I still have 19 years left until I can go.. She has 28, but says she is going to go when I go..
Well I've been totally retired 8 years, but seem to run harder than I did when I was working. At least now I can give myself a day off.
I told her the other day, about 12 more weeks and no more laundry duty....YEA!! She said that was fine.
Toolmanmike knows what a meanie I'm married to....:D
Well I've been totally retired 8 years, but seem to run harder than I did when I was working. At least now I can give myself a day off.
I told her the other day, about 12 more weeks and no more laundry duty....YEA!! She said that was fine.
Toolmanmike knows what a meanie I'm married to....:D
Ya she's a bad one there! (lucky dog)