Surgery on Monday.

Excellent! Part one completed, now on to rehab to recover. Good luck! And with a good woman at your side anything is possible!
Got the bandages off a while ago.

Karli keeps screaming at me to take it easy, but I have an issue being a couch lump.

Interested in what all the needle marks around the knee are. Local in case I woke up from the anesthesia? Muscle relaxant? Guess I'll ask the PA when she takes my stitches out in another week.


Those needle marks are likely from where they were pumping in nitrogen to inflate the skin so they could do the work. They have to inflate the knee like a balloon so they have a bubble to work in.
Those needle marks are likely from where they were pumping in nitrogen to inflate the skin so they could do the work. They have to inflate the knee like a balloon so they have a bubble to work in.

Makes sense.
Take it easy man!! Don't aggravate it!! We break easier the older we get, and take longer to heal. Ok, enough *itching at ya. LOL
Wish you the best on this. They diagnosed my joint pain last year as "systemic" meaning something on the order of Lupus or Lyme disease, etc. But they've run all kinds of blood tests and as usual, "have no idea."
Wish you the best on this. They diagnosed my joint pain last year as "systemic" meaning something on the order of Lupus or Lyme disease, etc. But they've run all kinds of blood tests and as usual, "have no idea."
Just saw your post here and wondered how you're doing with your pain relief. Looked at your thread and glad to hear you're doing better! No one here deserves to suffer. All of you best wishes in healing from whatever ails you, physically as well as mentally.
He make you write your initial's on it so he does the right knee..:eek::eek:had my right one done twice surgeon told me next time I'm getting a replacement:):)
Time to heal, when th an excuse to be lazy-except rehab, no lazy there!

Did you have a complete replacement, partial, or get the meniscus trimmed up sir?
Time to heal, when th an excuse to be lazy-except rehab, no lazy there!

Did you have a complete replacement, partial, or get the meniscus trimmed up sir?

Looks like a miniscus repair...Replacement has a scar about 6 inches long right in the middle.Got one of those.
I was curious, I have had 3 replacements.

The meniscus trims I had were arthroscopic and only left 3 band aids.

Godspeed with recovery, it all sucks!
Now, listen to your wife young man...


...if you get the 2nd COMPLETE (Revision surgery) knee replacement in the same knee they just install the zipper to make the process much quicker for the surgeon.

Be a couch bum!
Get well soon....

If you see a homeless man limping down the street, can you say he has a "bum leg"????