Table is Done!!



Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
The polyurethane finish came out like glass! I hope you all like it.


I like the intentional look :cheers: Its the in thang brother :-D
The table is complete :happy10:
Very very nice job dun Joe. You have yet to let me down with the fine work you do. :cheers:
Very nice, I've built a few things over the years

Arts & Craft sofa, coffee table, bread boards and lots of turned bowls and pens. It's nice to get away from the cast iron for a while.

Keep it up,
Table looks fabulous ramcharger....So with the finish you applied, it won't stain?

You are much too talented to be unemployed, but glad to see you're keeping yourself busy.....:thumbup:
Very very nice job dun Joe. You have yet to let me down with the fine work you do. :cheers:

Thank you Bro! :cheers:

Very nice, I've built a few things over the years

Arts & Craft sofa, coffee table, bread boards and lots of turned bowls and pens. It's nice to get away from the cast iron for a while.

Keep it up,

Thanks Valentek! The best part is that this was built with all left over 2x4's, stain, finish, sandpaper, etc. that I had laying around. It didn't cost me a so much as a dime. You're right, it's nice to work in a different medium now and again. :read2: If you have pics of your projects, please post them up!

I like it the bolt heads give it a rugged look. Like it could hold a keg and keep on ticking!

It could, that's the best part, lol. If I had some dough, I would have used these. :-D

Mopar Bolt.jpg
Table looks fabulous ramcharger....So with the finish you applied, it won't stain?

You are much too talented to be unemployed, but glad to see you're keeping yourself busy.....:thumbup:

Thank you so much for your compliments!

The finish is Marine Spar and is waterproof. No drink rings. Even fruit punch rolls off this stuff. It's gas and oil resistant too. :cheers:
Thank you Bro! :cheers:

Thanks Valentek! The best part is that this was built with all left over 2x4's, stain, finish, sandpaper, etc. that I had laying around. It didn't cost me a so much as a dime. You're right, it's nice to work in a different medium now and again. :read2: If you have pics of your projects, please post them up!

It could, that's the best part, lol. If I had some dough, I would have used these. :-D

thats what i put my motor together with
Here you go Ramcharger

Sofa and table, white and red oak. Made the sofa 6 1/2 ' long so I could lay down on it flat.
NOTE the 68 Satellite trim under the sofa, still have it if anyone needs it.

Chair for my parents 50th anniversary, white and red oak

Bowl from spalted maple

69 B5 408 FB
86 360 Ramcharger



Very nice Ram That turned out awsome

Thanks Dartcuda! Someone mentioned that it would look good out on a deck and I tend to agree. I'd have to make some chairs and end tables to go with it, and of course, have a

Here you go Ramcharger

Wow!!! Very, very nice! I really like mission style furniture too. Some day if I get the right tools, I'd like to attempt something like that. :cheers:
Thanks, my brother and I have split the buying of equipment over the years.

He does a lot of intersia and smaller projects like that.

The best thing to get is a table saw, then a planer so wood is cheaper.

I found a guy in PA Irwins Sawmill that sells rough cut wood cheap. I went over there a few times about 8 years ago and have a ton of Walnut, Oak and other woods.

Got the table saw but it's a cheapy Ryobi. It works, but not as accurate or as big a table as I'd like. A planer would be great as well as a lathe, some forstner bits, plug cutters, miter saw, joiner, router and table, assorted clamps, and about 50 other tools, lol.

The top to my table is all ripped 2x4's to save on dough. The frame is pressure treated pine, the top and legs are cedar and the dark inset on the top is a piece of aged (25 years old at least) redwood I found in the rafters of the garage. I lucked out on that.

I'd really like to find an old bowling alley that someone was demolishing and grab a bunch of big pieces from the alley and make a complete set of 50's retro furniture for my basement.

Great score on the wood from the mill. Nothing like that out here.
I am in!! Shoot till ya miss :cheers: I hope :-D
I am in!! Shoot till ya miss :cheers: I hope :-D

Back in the day it got to where I wouldn't miss, had to make myself drink.(Mickeys Malt Liquor $1.00qt):-D
Then to make it fair I turned the shot glass upside down and was landing them on top of the bottom. Not as often though. Then one night some tool puked into the drink glass. Game over. :puke:
After that we brought out the beer bong. 16oz Old Milrankees in 3 seconds. :drinkers: