Tebow Sucks!



Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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Not really.
I LOVE IT, the guy's great! Love him or hate him he makes **** happen. Being a Florida fan for 40 years I've been following him since Fl signed him into collage. Next week we play NE here and my 90 YO mother is flying up there from Fl to spend the holidays with my sister in RI. The Dove Valley Bronco center is less then 1 mile from my house so, at my moms request, I'm going to buy a Tebow jersey and send it to RI so she can "sport" that around next Sunday.
It's all cool cause both my sister and my brother in law graduated from U of F back when Spurrier was the QB not the coach. :prayer:
Man MVR. I saw that title and was headed here to disagree with someone QUICK. All is good. We agree the kid is worthy of watching. He has the ability to rally the troops. That kicker they have aint no slouch. Go Denver.
Small Block
Am not a Denver fan in any respect, my favorite team (beside the Pats) is any team playing the Broncos. I am not sure how Tebow does it. His abilities are not pretty, they are not polished, but he's good! I do have to admit, I like watching him play. I am looking forward to this weekends game. I am cheering for the Pats obviously, but will enjoy watching the game regardless of the outcome!
It's very cool to see him doing well.People are so used to 4000 + yard airshows and highlights.It's nice to see old school football fundamentals still work.Kudos to John Fox for maximizing his. QB's strengths,instead of being blind.
Amazing-just simply amazing
I think it's great that he is not afraid to bring GOD to the front of his life... and mine and yours. If your offended go F yourself! LOL
I'll first say, I like the guy. He's been the best thing to happen to the Broncos in a long time. BUT....

If they win their division and get to the playoffs, they are gonna get POUNDED by a good team. The combined record of the last six wins?

Watch and see what happens when they play the Steelers, Ravens, Patriots, Texans....

The Lions smoked 'em 45-10.
Elway has to be pissed. They could have gotten a better qb in the draft if they lost more games. Makes for interesting fb. But in the end he's a terrible qb. Just makes it interesting for the bible thumpers and as a water cooler conversation on Monday's. 100% agree with original thread title. But hey the kid has heart and u can't take that from him.
And that sir,makes him a leader.And a winner.Regardless of his football career!
I've been a big fan of the Broncos for 20+ years and Tebow reeks. But I do love watching him run and make plays. Maybe his passing is nerve related and after some more time at a starting spot he will become more relaxed and hone in on receivers. I never watched him play college ball BUT he did win a Heisman Trophy so he must have did well?!
As long as the W's keep coming I won't complain much.
Yesterdays win comes from my new favorite Bears player. Marion Barber, I thank-you!
Chicago was killing them on defense for 3-3.5 quarters and changed up and went to a deep cover two, three and 5 scheme. That leaves huge holes all over the field that a good high school QB can pick apart. Basically went to the old "prevent" you from winning defense I made a comment to my friend... where are the safeties? Then about 3 minutes later the announcer mentions they are 25 yards from LOS... great recipe for giving up big yardage and the broncos took advantage. They should have run the base package that was kicking the brioncos rears all game

I guarantee Elway would like to get Luck in the draft and that's not happening now.

Marion Barber still served this game up to them with his bonehead move. He stay in bounds like his overpaid A$$ is supposed too and the game is essentially over.

The NFL has to love this because it's great for marketing which is really all they care about... $$$.
Basic football! My father was an assistant to Madden in the 50s,at Cal Poly.Same basic plays.Single wingback.Power sweep.Offense made simple kills todays defense,people forgot basics.
Hey Tim, all good.

I saw what I saw and that's my story. Denver took advantage of Chicago going away from what was killing the Broncos and didn't stay "basic". So I absolutely agree with you. You have a guy that hasn't reliably proven to be able to hit the broad side of a barn and you go soft on coverage... REALLY???
All Tebow has to do is not loose the game. Denvers D is good enough to win.

Just like these guys:
J. McMahon
T. Dilfer
B. Johnson

Im glad Elways' draft pic will drop. Never liked him at all. One of the biggest babies at the position.
Ah yes, the old Monday morning coaching corner. By the way, I see where there are a few head coaching slots open if any of you guys are looking for a career change LOL.
dustertogo, you have to admit this is fun. I guess i missed my prediction of Seahawks by 10. I guess i'm getting sloppy in my old age.
Small Block
Life long Broncons fan hear. All I care about is that there is a W after every game. I don't care how pretty it is. Tebow is definitely not you average cookie cutter QB. He loves playing the game and makes stuff happen that's all there is to it.

I think allot of people are intimidated buy him as a peson because of how straight forward he is about his religious beliefs.
"The NFL has to love this because it's great for marketing which is really all they care about... $$$. "

Now that's a fact.

and win's are deterimend by officials more times than not. They control the over-under. start watching more closely and you'll notice calls to keep scores higher or lower.

As a Charger fan I found myself rooting for Tebow last week. He's good for this country. we need more God here like before. Love watching him tick off the athiests.