the great mask debate

do you wear a mask when you go out?

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HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
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debate as in civil, we talk as normal people trying to figure out each others point of view

im sure it is no secret i do not believe masks work as well as they are said to, and my baseline is, i carry one with me, but i wont put it on unless someone asks me nicely

(on top of that, i believe in quarantining the sick, and protecting the weak, not locking down the healthy)


because i respect the person who asks nicely, i do not respect the unconstitutional mask mandates in my particular state

so, where do you stand, and why?
When I go in a store or to a office building. Not when I am outside, walking around the neighborhood, or driving.
As TM says. I have to wear one shopping or working. Soon as I am where its no longer necessary it comes off. If I'm talking to my neighbor or by myself, then hell no.
I try my best wear my mask when I go out. We have to wear one at work too. I work with a crew on a pulling unit and its not too bad right now because its cool outside. I also work derricks so im up top alone. Come summertime who knows how much ill be able to stand it.

I've also pushed my parents to wear one as well. My mom is good about using hand sanitizer but my dad not so much lol.
None for me thanks. There is only one place I agreed to it and that was at the LGS. They were concerned about being shut down by the state, and you know they were a target in the beginning.

I forgot, I had to wear one from the entrance to the room in the hospital when my wife was in for surgery, once in the room I took it off.
As TM says. I have to wear one shopping or working. Soon as I am where its no longer necessary it comes off. If I'm talking to my neighbor or by myself, then hell no.
Or sampling some whisky with my buddy. We try to kill the virus from the inside out. LOL
A healthy person can be spreading it. That is the problem with this virus. You can have it and have 0 symptoms. I would feel horrible if someone died because of me not wearing a mask and or multiple people getting sick. If thats all I have to do is put on a mask. So be it.
I wear one if required by wherever I am at. I think it is largely foolishness. But we are surrounded by so many poorly behaved snowflakes that it not worth the trouble to argue.

There is a lot of conflicting data on the effectiveness of healthy people wearing masks. This likely means that nobody really knows how effective they are. It’s kind of like Las Vegas, you may be increasing your odds, but the house still wins most of the time....
I mean, we were supposed to stay at home for a month, and wear maskes to "flatten the curve" but with almost universal mask wearing, cases keep going up. So obviously it would appear, the masks dont do ****
I appreciate the civility so far here. I think one of the things the world has lost recently is the ability to discuss touchy subjects without getting mad. Most times, seems like it turns into name calling from the start.

I wear a mask when asked, even wear it correctly over my nose and mouth, but only because it seems to make others more comfortable. I don't believe they make a difference.

I think the data to support masks is contrived. Cough on a petri dish with a mask on and no sign of the virus? Shocker, I get the same results covering my mouth with my hand. And I don't know about anyone else, but I don't go lapping up the spittle that would land on the ground when someone coughs or sneezes anyway so I don't see how that is saving me. Now the saliva that is aerosol'ed when you sneeze or cough and goes right through a mask or around the sides? That is what is going to get someone sick, and I don't see a mask short of a true gas mask actually doing squat to stop it.
If wearing a mask keeps businesses open then great. If a scientist says it helps I'm in. This is what they do for a living. I wouldnt want sonebody that has know idea about what I do for a living telling me how to do it without any experience in that subject. Again. Just not that big of a deal to me to wear a mask.
E. I’ve had to wear one a few times for work. I wear my “gaiter” that I normally wear hunting. Otherwise, it’s nope for me. If I get refused, I take my business elsewhere.
Well, this debate is good. (1) This is not a Rights issue. It's a Health issue. How sad it is that it was turned into a Political issue, when it's not. (2) A Mask is a barrier, so it will definitely block air borne particles. Block everything? Probably not. A simple barrier that could protect your health or someone else - Yes. We wear the masks to paint right? Yea, it sucks, but we should all do it to try and knock this thing out.
In oregon we’ve had mandatory masks since August. Our Covid rates are up just like everywhere else. If it was up to me I wouldn’t wear one. If your mask makes you feel safe why do I need one?
Covid or not, some people should be required to wear a mask because they are so ugly and we shouldn't have to suffer by looking at them.... :eek:
The masks arent for you. They are for the people you come in contact with. A doctor wears a mask when they operate. Its not for them.
Covid or not, some people should be required to wear a mask because they are so ugly and we shouldn't have to suffer by looking at them.... :eek:

Yea, they should learn to walk on their hands backwards so we can converse with their *** instead.
Seat belts dont save every life. Wearing my seat belt might save my life. Wearing my mask might save my life too.
Always wear one when I go to a place of business I always wear one. They have a sign right on the entrance requiring you to wear one on their private property. If I see a store not enforcing the mask order I leave and take my money someplace else.
Always wear one when I go to a place of business I always wear one. They have a sign right on the entrance requiring you to wear one on their private property. If I see a store not enforcing the mask order I leave and take my money someplace else.

Just the opposite. Engage me and I walk right out. There is nothing in a store I need that can't be had somewhere else. It's all good. Amazon FTW!

So our state now has a Curfew mandate. Only on the road between x hours unless an emergency or job related. Looked like a party at a Convenience store I use to go in and a Co-worker said it was filled to the gills at 3am this morning. People in Pajamas, etc.... So since you are so adamant about saving lives with your "mask" you will walk out of the establishment, right?.......
