The "I didn't know that" dept.........Making a chisel from ball bearing

Wow, some people are pretty talented, whish I had that much time on my hands, however we live in such a disposable world we can by chisels cheap enough, I was in Cuba a few years ago they do lots of stuff like like, very talented it's amazing what can be achieved with minimal tools and some skill! Thanks for sharing!
That is awesome!

The sward show on tv they use leaf springs for machetes and the like
That's awesome. I wouldn't be able to use that chisel after doing all of that to make it! But I'll say one thing; if I did use it, I'd be so respectful, it would last forever.

I worked in an automotive tool and die shop in the 80's and 90's. There was a man there who made absolutely beautiful knives using worn out super heavy duty band saw blades. These band saws were hydraulically fed and could cut 4,5,6 inch steel in rough sizes for eventual final machining to be used in the dies. The blades measured roughly 1/8th by 2. His knives were pure art, as is the chisel shown in the video. Thanks.