The internet and faithfullness

Does the internet

  • Inspire people to do it

    Votes: 3 5.3%
  • Reveal People's true selves

    Votes: 27 47.4%
  • Combination of the two

    Votes: 17 29.8%
  • other

    Votes: 10 17.5%

  • Total voters
How does one know this to be true?

It shows an immense lack of respect to cheat on a faithful partner. No respect = No Love. Risking a relationship for your own selfish WANTS, means you didn't care enough about it in the first place. Otherwise, you would have made the CHOICE not to cheat.

If someone is going to cheat, they should leave their committed relationship FIRST.

Unless it's an open relationship, then things get all muddled ;)
More than one or two ingredients in that recipe.

How does a selfish person maintain the constant respect you speak of?

How can one help ones self/selfishness?

When most of their focus is on themselves or personal gain?

I know women that love more than one person, maybe their feelings are confused and line between close friend and lover, blur?
Does anyone else see the irony here with people bashing internet networking sites on an internet networking site? Am I cheating on my A-body by getting all the sexy details about other A-bodies -lol?
I don't see the point of the facebook/myspace deal anyway.
I never go there, my time is all allocated and spoken for.
So I do not see why they even exist.
If I need to know something I search it and find the answer.
The community sites like this one and a couple others I post
to have a very beneficial culture for the users. Not only the
technical aspects of our cars but the common interests we share
and humor/help/advice that we can share. Mankind in not by
nature a monogamous animal so it takes a lot of work to maintain
that status by us as well as a level of commitment to our spouses
that seems to becoming throw-away in todays society. Every man
& woman has to decide on the code they will live by and I have
always thought the honourable way to end a relationship would to
be by exiting it before taking up a new one. There is no need to give
another human being the ultimate betrayel and crush their self-esteem
by immoral behavior. We all know, what goes around comes around
and if a person behaves that way, they will be repaid double in kind,
Guess I feel philisophical today, Rat
Facebook is dangerous....period. My wife and I stay away from it....and we tell our kids to do the same!

come on. it i what it is. anything can be "dangerous" if you allow it to be. walking out your front door can be dangerous.
I agree.. there are countless dangerous situations.. I have been on facebook for over a year now (mainly to keep in touch with my brother who lives in Japan now) ... Nothing bad has happened to me... Monica has a facebook page as well.. she chats with people she went to school with and plays online games when she has some time.. no harm no foul... Again I say, if people are going to cheat, they will find any way to do it, email, phone, good 'ol fashioned hand written letter lol... I trust Monica and she trusts me, and thats all that matters... The internet is just a tool.. you only get from it what you want and no more.. facebook doesnt knock on the door of cheaters and other low lives... they knock on its door...
Please allow me to explain. First off I rarely post replies other than pictures. But I believe strongly in the covenant of marriage and anything that would jeopardize that relationship should be avoided. I agree that Facebook and similar websites can have their contacts, advertising, etc... But talk to people that have experienced infidelity, either themselves or from their spouse. Chances are they will say something like "I never meant it to go this far. He (or she) listens to me. He makes me feel important. He understands me." In this world today we are faced with all sorts of temptations. Why add one more?
I personally don't have a facebook page but have talked to people that do and they are amazed at how certain people have asked to be their "friend". Like maybe an old flame from high school. "Hmmm...I wonder what they are up to? They were hot in school. I'll just do a search to see if they are on Facebook. " I know we all think it won't happen to us but it DOES happen to many.
You don't know me and I don't know you and we can disagree and still be friends. Any other thoughts?
Could it be that the dislike of Facebook by some simply comes down to trust issues ... either you don't trust your spouse or you don't trust yourself? If so, Facebook or faithfullness for that matter may not be the real problem.

Oops ... gotta go, my wife is mad that I'm spending too much time on FABO.
Please allow me to explain. First off I rarely post replies other than pictures. But I believe strongly in the covenant of marriage and anything that would jeopardize that relationship should be avoided. I agree that Facebook and similar websites can have their contacts, advertising, etc... But talk to people that have experienced infidelity, either themselves or from their spouse. Chances are they will say something like "I never meant it to go this far. He (or she) listens to me. He makes me feel important. He understands me." In this world today we are faced with all sorts of temptations. Why add one more?
I personally don't have a facebook page but have talked to people that do and they are amazed at how certain people have asked to be their "friend". Like maybe an old flame from high school. "Hmmm...I wonder what they are up to? They were hot in school. I'll just do a search to see if they are on Facebook. " I know we all think it won't happen to us but it DOES happen to many.
You don't know me and I don't know you and we can disagree and still be friends. Any other thoughts?

I hope that what I said didnt piss you off or anything, because that was never my intention.. and I agree that we can disagree and still be friends (assuming that was meant for me lol) .. but.. you kinda made my point.. All facebook, or the internet for that matter does is make it easier (or more convenient if you will) to reach out or look for the person that pays attention, or makes you fell better, or might provide something else that a person may think they need or are not getting from thier current relationship... If a person wonders what an old flame looks like these days or wonders what they're up too, then clearly they havent moved on.. they have issues.. but now instead of having to wait for a chance encounter out in public, or running into them in the workplace, Facebook and the internet make getting those answers, quicker and more accesable.. so thats my point.. its a tool... the people with bad things to say about facebook or any other social networking sites for that matter, are either people that have things in thier past that they havent dealt with yet, or are in a relationship with one.. either way.. a cheater will always find a way..
Hey I'll be honest...I still 'care', thats 'care' not love, about the some of the women of my past, the sweet ones that is, to hell with the rest.

I'm interested in their well being and that they are successful, 'I didn't go with losers though I may have sported them for an off & on', AND if I can help them, I do.

But thats because I am a compassionate human being.
I don't know maybe I'm nuts or something but the Internet is just another tool. Heck you can be tempted by a female on a mopar site too. Facebook and the like are a way to communicate with others. Can there be temptations there? Sure. But there are temptations everywhere. The mall, the grocery store, the library....etc. Only way your gonna give into it is if your weak . It's not the nets fault, not the grocery stores fault, it's your fUlt plain and simple if you give in and cheat. Blaming things and others is just a lame *** excuse if you ask me.
The original poll question was about the internet inspiring people to cheat, or just assist someone who would anyway, not about Facebook or similar sites. I think it's also a complicated combination of both and neither.

In my opinion, I think a terribly inhibited person may feel more confident about themselves (We've seen it here on this site....) where they'll do something they may never have the nerve to do in person, or it might help enable someone predisposed to cheat to do it anyway, but make it easier. Then again, it may not even be a thought in some peoples minds.... Like others have said previously, we can agree to disagree. :blackeye:

For example: I can take a Mr. Potato head and make someone laugh with observations that come from my mind..... and some people won't get it. :-|

Not everyone looks at things the same way.
some interesting points have been brought up since i last looked at this the net being only a can be used for negative or positive depends on the the disposition of the person using it.and despite my dislike of the net in general ,i admit i find myself on this site alot.i learn quite a bit here.and out of respect for my wife i avoid contact with xgirlfriends,even if it didnt end on a bad note.
Hey, Things happen for a reason.

If my first wife hadn't felt the need to step out, even after all the counseling,
I wouldn't have been free to meet my best friend that I've married to for almost 11 years.
It was painful at first, but in my case, damned well worth it.:love7:
It is an easy venue to get attention where you would otherwise never get it due to looks, personality, age, or truth about ones self.

The internet is a scary place especially those facebook, myspace sights because were'nt they not started by the CIA to monitor people easily?

But if you are a dog and just trolling for strange action, it is definitely the place to go for plenty of attention seeking sluts with plenty of STD's just waiting for YOU!
Well, I think that I am the latest casualty of this. Not sure, and I don't think I will ever get it out of her. I go home Friday nite, I have a girlfriend, a house, and now as Monday hits, I have no girlfriend and she is either moving out to L.A. or we are both moving out and going in separate directions.

For those of you that remember, deja vu about a year ago......:angry7:
Well, I think that I am the latest casualty of this. Not sure, and I don't think I will ever get it out of her. I go home Friday nite, I have a girlfriend, a house, and now as Monday hits, I have no girlfriend and she is either moving out to L.A. or we are both moving out and going in separate directions.

For those of you that remember, deja vu about a year ago......:angry7:

sorry to hear, hang in there and remember....the best cure for a broken heart is different women, not in those exact words though.=P~
Well, I think that I am the latest casualty of this. Not sure, and I don't think I will ever get it out of her. I go home Friday nite, I have a girlfriend, a house, and now as Monday hits, I have no girlfriend and she is either moving out to L.A. or we are both moving out and going in separate directions.

For those of you that remember, deja vu about a year ago......:angry7:

That sucks, man. Remember to always trust the gut instinct.
Well, I think that I am the latest casualty of this. Not sure, and I don't think I will ever get it out of her. I go home Friday nite, I have a girlfriend, a house, and now as Monday hits, I have no girlfriend and she is either moving out to L.A. or we are both moving out and going in separate directions.

For those of you that remember, deja vu about a year ago......:angry7:

Be glad that the real person has been revealed and you have gotten out now before investing even more time in her and the relationship. I was ecstatic when my last relationship finally ended (not an internet related issue, but against my better judgment I persevered in a bad relationship too long) and now I am with the most drop dead beautiful, classy and devoted woman I would ever have hoped to meet in my life.