The Pain.



Big Member
Dec 31, 1969
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Bethel, CT
Spent a few hrs in the ER last night, I have a wisdom tooth that got infeccted. The tooth doesnt hurt but my throat is so swollan that it kills to swallow. Even after taking a few Perkasets it hurts. Im hoping they can remove the tooth in the morning but with the swelling and infection I may have to wait. :sad1:
Well Ive been on antibiotics for 24hrs so with any luck I'll be ok in the morning to have it pulled. The swelling actually hurts more then the tooth. Ofcoarse I have no dental insurance right now so the bill will cause some pain as well. Thank go for narcotics though. Im flying right now. LOL
When I had 3 of my wisdom teeth removed at once they gassed me and then filled me up with pills. My girlfriend said that I was hanging out the car window yelling at people on the way home, doing backflips in the front yard and chasing the cat around the house all while drooling everywhere...I don't remember any of it.
I kind of know what you mean. I was sucker punched as in truly never saw it. With one punch, he knocked my 2 wisdom teeth cocked eyed and me out. (I was told he was flyinh in the air when he hit me.)
I spent some good time in the chair getting them taken out.
I hate going to the dentist, but Ive found that by going regularly for check ups and cleaning I have zero problems.

Ive been there with the teeth extractions. Had 4 perfectly good incisors pulled for orthodontia and all four wisdoms pulled. Nothing worse. Used to get the nastiest headaches from visiting the orthodontist for my monthly wire tightenings. Yowsa.

Never have had something like you have, but I can imagine it...Good luck.
360scamp said:
.....I was hanging out the car window yelling at people on the way home, doing backflips in the front yard and chasing the cat around the house all while drooling everywhere...I don't remember any of it.

I had M-A-N-Y a night like that back in the eighties, only without the trip to the dentist! :shaking2:

Good luck Adam. I've had my share of teeth pulled from various problems over the years. Once they yank the F`er outta ya head you'll feel MUCH better. Dental pain hurts REAL bad. Probably the worst pain you can endure.....
Thanks guys Im off to have it yanked. My face is swollan like a chipmunk right now.
WELL... winters right around the corner....maybe your storing nuts
I had a trip to the ER last night too. I finally figured out how to avoid the waiting room! All you have to do is say you have chest pain! man,, they scooped me up into a wheelchair, and had me in a room in minutes. They thought I was having a heart attack at the wonderful age of 29... or 28 yesterday actually... So I got a flobotamist that had no idea what she was doing,.... stuck me twice trying to get blood, and couldn't..... Some other guy came in, and he got it on the first try. Nothing like being a human pin cushion. Anyways, after being there about 4 hours... chest x-rays,...EKG's, and a multitude of other tests,... They told me it was severe acid refulx, which I have never had a problem with. but you talk about pain! I could barley walk. My chest hurt the worst. Anyhow, If you want to get in the ER fast......... tell em you have chest pain! If the flobotamist was not sooooooo good looking,..... she probally would have got kncked out!

I feel your pain about the tooth. I just hand my right-hand upper removed and have to schedule the other three wisdom teeth to get cut out. One piece of advise I have to give is try to avoid the dry socket at all costs. Otherwise you get to go back and have the dentist shove gauze in the socket for a couple of weeks. Imagine that kind of fun.
They cant take them out yet. I cant open my mouth because of the swelling. new antibiotics $125. I need to take them for a week then go back next friday. They're going for just the left side for now.
AdamR said:
They cant take them out yet. I cant open my mouth because of the swelling. new antibiotics $125. I need to take them for a week then go back next friday. They're going for just the left side for now.

You poor bastard.... I'd be kicking *** around his office until he yanked it out.

When you pop percocets and NOTHING HAPPENS your in deep doo-doo. Good luck Adam... I feel for you.
John 2 percs dont do much but 3 are much better. Id rather the antibiotic work though. My. face keeps swelling. Looks like Im gonna hit the ER again. I really dont need this spreading in to my brain. I damaged that enough in H.S. :blackeye:
AdamR said:
John 2 percs dont do much but 3 are much better. Id rather the antibiotic work though. My. face keeps swelling. Looks like Im gonna hit the ER again. I really dont need this spreading in to my brain. I damaged that enough in H.S. :blackeye:
After taking 4 percs I finally passed out, nothing was stopping the pain.
Tooth pain is the worst. I think I would rather give birth than have my teeth hurt. Right now I'm having 2 root canals done, and more to come.
Every dentist I go to I ask, at what point do we just pull them all out and be done with the pain. None of them want to do it, they just want me to keep coming back and filling their pockets with money while they keep filling my teeth.
Yesterday The dentist had to re drill out the 2 root canals he did, because the insurance company couldn't see the fillings in the x-ray.
They make me pretty tired too. I could use a good nap now. On the bright side. Its been 2 days since Ive had a cigarette. I didnt think it would be so easy to stop.
You haven't quit yet, Adam. It takes 30 days to break a habit! But that is a good start. The 3rd and 4th weeks are the hardest...
sorry about the pain your going through. Have not ever had it that bad, but had to have some wisdom yanked myself. However, bea ssured its not the worst pain you can have. Try kidney'll want to eat a .45

hope things get better.

RPM said:
Try kidney'll want to eat a .45


Been there done that! Couple years ago woke early one morning felt like someone was taking a baseball bat to my back!!!
Spent 2 days in the hospital with them,most of that time was spent waiting for them to figure out exactly what was wrong.

Toothaches are in my opinion second only to kidney stones.
Hope you feel better Adam!:fart:
Toothache pain is no fun, I too have been having pain for over 3 months,
I thought I had a bad earache/infection.

I went 3 times to the Dr. for antibiotics, the 2nd time he sent me to the
Hospital for blood work. The blood work showed my Cholesteral went
from 168 total to 172 in the past year, and the white/red count showed I had an infection.

The Doctor gave me another, "normal" 10 day 3 times a day antibiotic treatment,this hardly helped at all, and in another couple weeks, I was back to see him again.

This time I said give me a Stronger antibiotic, and I called the Dentist.

I saw the dentist on the 8th of August, and he asked how long have these
Wisdom teeth been hurting, I told him, that I have hurt Bad about 3 months, and I thought I had an earache. He looked at me funny, and said they are
both in very bad shape, and should have been removed a long time ago.

I told him, yeah the last dentist I used, said that they needed to be pulled,
2 years ago.{ The last place [Aspen dental shmucks locally]wanted me to sign some papers, for about $3,000 worth of work, and I walked out.}

Both left sides are getting yanked next Tuesday the 5th of Sept.
I am getting novacaine, kool I will drool when I talk later, haha.

The Oral Surgeon, thankfully takes my dental insurance, and only charged
an $85.00 surcharge.

I owe the "regular" dentist $90 for one "Panoramic" Xray.
Glad to find out why I had been sore for 3 months.

Oh the Oral Surgeon said no aspirin/Ibuprefen/Alleve etc.
for 3 days before the extraction.No problem, now that the darn
infection is gone.

Cliffs notes;
Had infection, and pain, thought it was an earache.
after 3 months finally, duh went to the dentist.
Getting 2 left side wisdom teeth yanked next week.
Pain at night when you want to sleep Sucks.
Well I ended up in the ER again lastnight. 3hrs later they sent me to there dental clinic were the filled me with a fresh 10lbs bottle of NOS and a few needles in the gums and they yanked them out. The bottom one was a *****. The root must have been 2ft long. Top one came right out. They also put a drain in my cheek because of all the fluid build up. It taste really bad.
Dude, you're a mess. ;-)

A couple of years ago I had a wisdom tooth that was in bad shape... I made an appointment to see the dentist, they couldn't see me for a couple of days. So one day I was eating something when I heard "crack" inside my head and felt something in my mouth. A piece of the tooth had broken, and I wound up with an exposed nerve in that tooth.

It hurt to BREATHE. I couldn't eat, couldn't drink, could barely think. I found another dentist that would see me right away.

When he started digging into my gums to pull the tooth out, my brain completely shut off and I went out like a light. Next thing I recall was the dental assistant holding smelling salts under my nose, she said my eyes unfocused, rolled back up into my head and I was out. Good thing, she said, it took about 15 minutes to get the tooth out.

That sucked.