think you know math?



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Ok, my professor glazed over a math question while discussing DNA oscillation and it pretty much occupied my attention for the rest of the class. His passing question was: What is 4 to the power of 2.2? Maybe written as 4^2.2

I was perplexed as i had never seen a fractal exponent. Is that what its called? Whats the answer?
Lemme ramble here.... this is if I remember correctly... if you have 4 to the exponent 1/3. Basically the 4 now becomes 1/4 and the 1/3 becomes 3/1. So you get 1/4 cubed, which would result in 1/64. That's it for part 1....lemme think some more on this..
Been a lot of years since college, but here goes..
4^2.2 = 4^22/10 = 4^11/5...
4^11 = 4194304..
5th root of 4194304 = 21.112(and some change)

And yes, I used my calculator.

Now I just hope it aint totally wrong!!!
Ok, the exponent 2.2, can be written down as a fraction as a whole number. So 4 to the exponent 2.2 is the same as 4 squared X 4(exponent 1/5). As .2=1/5. So you now have 4 squared=16, this leaves the fraction part of the exponent left, which is 1/5.
So you got 16 to the exp 1/5. Well the 1/5 means take 16 and get the 5th root of it....which I have no frickin idea!! LOL...For example if you got a question 32 to the exponent 1/5, the answer would be 2 (2x2x2x2x2=32)
So you solve for 2^11/5? It didnt really cover decimal exponents....
converting the 2.2 power to a fraction (22/10) and reducing to 11/5. Then take the 5th root of 4^11 (or dont reduce and take the 10th root of 4^22)
Wait, so is it 16 plus the fifth root of 16 or is it somthing to the 11 power and then take the x root of it? Trying to follow 2 strategies...
I think i popped something too. Thanks! 5√4^11 ~ 21.11212

Btw, what level of math is this taught in, or was i absent during this excercise?
I'm wanting to say it was just a college algebra course. but too many years and too many beers make things a bit foggy...
4 to the 2nd power is 16. So, that means 4x2=8x2 is 16.

Going by that formula 4x2.2=8.8x2.2=19.36
I get 4 times 4.1/5 of 4 or 4 times 4.8 equals 19.2 but I'm in a coffee shop using my head without my Construction Calculator to do the actual algebra with . Amazing how much high school math I used to do in my head 35 years ago I've forgotten since I started using my darn calculator
Some of you have had too much to drink for this. Fml I've had too much time sleeping through class for this! Lol
lol Ben got it right. Converting 2.2 to a fraction gives you 11/5, and when you have an exponent 1/(something) that means to take the (something)ed root of the number your working on. And you got it, that's algebra ;) The trick is knowing to take the fifth root.