This is for the Guys on here Young and Old.

Damn we will send all our prayers from the great white north, get well soon.
Prayers for you Dusted and as for bringing up this topic, do not be embarrassed. I would rather know this for general knowledge than not know as I'm sure every other guy out here would also. I am not a Doctor and do not play one on TV so any helpful information you can share (good or bad) is certainly appreaciated. Take care of yourself and focus on getting better, please keep us all updated on your progress. Thanks for the information.
Good advice and prayers coming continually from Missouri. If your doctor isn't a specialist in Urolgy then get to one. I keep one on the hook all the time but his nurses aren't much when you have pain.
Small Block
Good to hear your doing better.Ya gave us quite a scare.Take care of yourself,I am going in for my yearly physical in 3 weeks,can't take chances at my age. Watch over him Lilly.:grommit:
Hope everything turns out ok. Not making fun of this but it's gotta be the worst feeling having something go wrong with your tool and bag. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
How did I miss this thread :read2: Prayers set for you dusted72 and I send a prayer to your doctor to receive the knowledge he or she needs to get you back in good shape my friend 8)
Wow, did that come on fast or what? And just an infection, I hope you have good doctors, I'm going to through in a prayer for you anyway, vca;t hurt. Hope your doing well.
Hope you are feeling better now buddy. Everytime I get a lump or a pain now, I think the C word. It sucks to get older... eh memike? Good advice on getting checked out. DON'T WAIT GUYS!!

good luck dusted, have a speedy recovery.
not to hi jack the thread.....a former co-worker got a cut from a large staple. did not think nothing of it and went home. no show at work the next 2 days, no call in. employer sent the police, guy was near death. lost his arm from the elbow down from infection. anytime something is remotely wrong, get it checked PLEASE.....don't want to lose any "family" members.....
Checking in on you and how things are going
Yeah, feeling better yet? That sucks when there`s a problem with your junk, gotta keep that rascal in good health. :D Get well soon!!!
I think it took some balls to even post this. Glad you're doing better. Hats off to ya Bro.
No word from Dusted72 since Sunday....C'mon, man. What up? You got a lot of friends worried about you here.
Not a religious guy, but wish you all the luck and get back soon, you have a great wife to keep us informed and we are with you in thought.