Time flies



Big Member
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Bethel, CT
My little girl turned 3 today. Its much harder seeing her grow up quickly then my son who turned 5 in Oct.

Happy Birthday Princess !

She,s a sweetie!!My Haelee turns 2 tommorrow,so I,ve owned my Mopar for 2 years and 1 week.Thank God I bought before she came,cause I probably would,nt have it.
She's adorable Adam. Nice work between you & the Mrs..... :cheers:

My God-Daughter turns 3 in July. Her Father (whom can be physcotic and deranged at times...) has confided in me that when she brings home her dates for dinner, he plans on serving sausage.

And he's going to cut the links with a pair of bolt cutters....
They grow up faaassstttt! She's a cutie Adam...gonna give daddy a fit in a few more years:):) D

Im gonna take up gun collecting soon. I have a feeling shes gonna be able to take care of herself though. Her brother on the other had needs to toughen up.
Happy Birthday...My little one turns 3 next month, and time does go by fast..My 2 older kids, My Son is 18 and Oldest daughter is 16, are great with my youngest one..But for the 16 yr old daughter, there is a very short rope when it comes to the boys...Start buying the Guns now...
Well , be sure to tell her Happy Birthday from mopars0 and his wife....our little ones are 37 and 32 so you have a ways to go but it sure goes fast. We do have twin grand kids ( boy & girl) that will be 18 next month and will graduate this year. Enjoy ever moment bud......
thank god she looks like her mother....:-D

tell her happy B'day from the west coast!
Boy, is that the truth about time flying!

I have 3 girls, 10, 22 & 25 as well as a 5 year old granddaughter. My oldest and the granddaughter live with me and it seems like my oldest girls were just 5 years old the other day!

The only thing I have learned and know thru all this is, TIME DOES FLY, so while they are young enjoy every minute you can with them! Family is all you have in this life.

She is a cutie so, you are one step ahead by getting stocked up on the shinny fire arms there. Threy just might come in as a deterent later in her life. 8)
X100 on the growing up fast !!! They'll be adults before you know it Adam .. It's hard to believe that my "little girl" just turned 24 and her brother will turn 20 soon..

Enjoy every moment and milestone:thumbup:

Adam, I might eb concerned about that... :D

jk Merry Christmas to all of you, she's a cutie.