Time to replace shocks?



'71 Dart GT Fan
May 29, 2004
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I've never kept a car as long as I have the Dart GT (it will be 14 years in August). The car is driven ~1,000 miles per summer. Will the shocks "wear out" spending most of it's life parked in the garage? What wears out a shock (mileage or time)? The car is an ice cream parlor cruiser, so what we be a good replacement shock (if needed)? As always, any advice is appreciated.
Mine are circa 1979, and still hanging in there.
You will know when they are done, when you cross a set of diagonal train tracks, and all heck breaks loose.
If you have to ask, then they are fine!
In the old days we would just grab a corner and lift it as hi as we could and then drop it. If it bounced more than twice, the shocks were on the hit list. But if you try that on today's cars the fender will come off or wrinkle right up.lol.
I had a set of monroes wear out in a matter of a few months. Just sitting in the garage.
I had a set of monroes wear out in a matter of a few months. Just sitting in the garage.
Over time the seals in the shocks will dry out and they will leak. So look for fluid on the shock rods and on the barrels. Push your front end up and down a few times and watch the rebound, if it moves a lot the shocks are worn out. If the rebound is once or twice you're probably OK.
Yep...the shocks are there to dampen the action of the springs. Pushing down on the bumper and letting go should be telling but I'm never confident that this replicates behavior on the road.

Honestly, if you feel like the car is driving ok and you're just using it to put around town, I doubt that a replacement is urgent.