To be Petty or not to be?

Was it the car or driver that killed that person. That could be argued and maybe thats why Petty doesn't want to relive that event in his life. Lots of people think Petty is the **** and pay tribute to him. I just think the car was kind of cool along with the story (minus the accident of course).

That car has a lot more history to it than just an accident. IMO

Here is some backround information on the car the Pettys, Nascar, and Plymouth.
Don't know if it's all correct but sure makes for an interesting read.
Ok,oK,,I get the drift! It would be neat to do some thing in terms of nostalgic racer, but I lack imagination in that department. I think I'll scrap the Petty idea. I'm just glad I didn't want to make a "Christine" look alike! :violent1: My car was originally that copper poly color. It's a nice color but kinda ho-hum. I tried to post pics but I screwed that up too! I'll try again later on that. Thanks for all the input thus far guys!
Good choice to drop the petty clone. Copper poly? Anything close to this?


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I worked in a GM store back in the early 80's That color was light redwood. I like it.
well good thing u scraped the petty car thing as for the Christine one that car didnt really kill any one lol and ur paint looks good i would leave it but thats me lol