Today's scary driver....and she barely moved



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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I got out of the thrift store just in time to see this accident waiting to happen. This woman should not have been driving for probably the last 40 years. She cannot raise her head, evidently. She backed sllllooooowwwwwlllllyyy out of the parking space completely by feel, unless she has a backup camera I didn't see. The last photo she is driving? off down the parking area


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the thing that makes me laugh insurance rates are generally lower for women of all ages .....yet, my friends prove that a female can be just as dangerous if not more than any young man out there
Her family needs to step in and take her license away. Enough is enough sometimes. We had to do it to both of my Grandma's.
come on back, mon back, mon back, mon back, mon back, mon back, mon back, mon back, mon back, mon back, mon back, mon back, mon back, sheesh......
She is OK, probably just looking down to text or post on Facebook as she backs up!
It's called "Hitting in slow motion" and still alive
The other day I went to the post office and some guy drove right up across the handicapped parking spaces AND sidewalk right up to the front door, parked, got out and went inside.
I mean when you open the door his bumper was about 3 feet from it and the parking stops are a good 15 feet away, but he went between them.
Not an old or disabled guy either, just some self important A hole.
I have a REAL hard time keeping my mouth shut with some of these dumbasses, but I own a local business so I have to try.
I just look at them and shake my head so they see it.

Then in the Safeway parking lot on the same day an old couple had their cart in an open parking space loading groceries into the back seat and some 500 lb. bi*tch in an Escalade pulls into the space and pushed their cart out of the way with her front bumper.
The old guy turned around and his cart with groceries still in it was 20 feet away.
That one I couldn't help myself, and I told her she was a stupid selfish bi*tch and brought the old people's cart back and told them not to be careful of her paint while they finished loading their stuff.

I'm tellin ya, some of the people around here are just assholes.
Time to give up the keys, granny.
Nuttin a booster seat, a neck-brace, and pedal blocks, caant fix, eh? Oh wait; which pedal does what, again?
Hey, someday soon, I will be too old, too. I hope I have the good sense to take a cab.