"top Secret"!!!



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
May 28, 2004
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
Iranian Speed Boat

Coast Guard Surplus

Coast Guard.jpg
I'm with Mullinsx95 we need to build agreat wall with a .50 cal every75 yards or so that'll help......I think.
There is a band of Americans that are finish building the fences in Texas and California in a attempt to keep them out. Our government just packed up and left without finishing them. The Americans are taking donations to finance the fences and have even spent some of their own money.
Hey thats the same boat I drive everyday at work.... lol

That needs to be at the Mexican border to keep those SOBs out of our country.

And yes I said it!

Not in any side of any government and never will be, only that of God's,

but If you only knew you government. you wouldn't even be so defensive for them.

Not in any side of any government and never will be, only that of God's,

but If you only knew you government. you wouldn't even be so defensive for them.


I'm not defending my government they are the ones that has dropped the ball and letting our country go to other countries.
I'm not defending my government they are the ones that has dropped the ball and letting our country go to other countries.

U dont want in this country please by all means leave... I'd rather not put my life and my shipmates life on the line for some asshole who talks **** about the US!

Not sure who that was directed to.... but ok bud...


Me neither, but hope he wasn't directing that towards someone who served this country in any way. I not into the whole politics thing, but i do support my country no matter what and have NOTHING but respect for anyone who served. I think im rambeling......so ill go now. lol
I agree Sublime amd thank you for ur support.... This country is gettin crazy... I go and save lifes, keep drugs away from ur famlies, and conduct law enforcement regs. for the last ten yrs... just to have some punk talk to me like that b/c they have no clue what living in a 3rd world contry feels like. This wkend a group of some idiots are picketing outside the gates of the Navy base..... WTF this is fockin b/s man.....

I agree Sublime amd thank you for ur support.... This country is gettin crazy... I go and save lifes, keep drugs away from ur famlies, and conduct law enforcement regs. for the last ten yrs... just to have some punk talk to me like that b/c they have no clue what living in a 3rd world contry feels like. This wkend a group of some idiots are picketing outside the gates of the Navy base..... WTF this is fockin b/s man.....


Agreed. It is disturbing when i see picketers doing that crap. It makes me sick. Our country is by no means perfect, but i Thank GOD every day i wake up here.

People dont get it. I can put money on the fact that not even all the soilders agree with whats going on or even want to be involved. But they are. For us. And to sit there and demonstrate in front of their base is, to me a slap in there face. Who do they think they are? These are the same people that fight and protect our country so you can be free and have your stupid protest. Makes me sick. They are luck that they can even do that. Try that in other countries and in some cases, they kill you. And yet the Hippies still protest the ones that fight for there right to be Hippies. Imagine that.
I think x95charger was simply saying that all of these jobs are being sourced out to other country's. I know I've lost my job as well as my brother to asia and japan [car parts etc] just because their government doesn't have to follow the same employment rules and pay health insurance so in a nutshell american companies are selling out american jobs....THANK YOU NAFTA!What's gonna happen when most of the jobs are over seas or given to ILLEGAL IMMAGRANTS???????