Toyota bashing

Too funny. At least it's entertaining, unlike this thread.

[ame=""]Top Gear - Toyota Hilux on Yahoo! Video[/ame]
Thanks HemiMark, I had no idea you were already at a perilous level of dumbness, compliments all round to have decreased the brain capacity. If you don't like the post, try not reading the rest of it.

this is the insightful reply i expected from a brain surgeon like yourself. Keep up the good work....... :thebirdm:
We have a 2001 Tahoe Z71 and it's as tight as when we bought it a couple years and about 30,000 miles later. It's practically new on the inside and it has 175K miles on it. The only thing going wrong with it was the O2 sensors that all had to be replaced and we think we might need a new tranny as the one that's in it slips alot now. But that's to be expected of a truck with that many miles. I think it mostly depends on the car model than anything else.

Really? I have friends that work for a city garage, Impalas come in with about 60K on the odometer and they need engine mounts. But that's not the worst part. You can't get the oil filter off when the mounts are bad. Now THAT is some quality engineering there.

I have a 92 Dakota club cab 5.2 auto with 426,000 miles on it. Last time the trans was into was at 250K and it was a stupid e clip that broke on the govenor weights. Still the original engine with no repairs. This truck towed my Duster all over the southeast for a decade and was used hard and abused for many more. I'm still driving it.
So we go from Yota bashing, to bashing each others cars?

Ahhh, what fun.

And I like Yota's, they give me the joy I have that everything I own is MOPAR.
Sure you could,by the way the duster is WAY to nice for seem to like those primer clap boxes,,lol

You're just jealous but my car will be painted next month.

BTW here is my Duster, lousy pic I know but my computor crashed and I lost a lot of pics. Take notice of the dial in on the 1/4 window, and it's a stock bottom end 360.

Obama sucks, maybe we should be talking about him and not toyota. Toyota supports over a million familys here in the states. Your right when you say buy selling more cars its normal to have more recalls, but your wrong with the quility part. The cars last longer, and I never see motor jobs being done our transmissions being torn out like I did with ford or chevy. Listen, I work for toyota and support the domestics..But when it comes down to it, a coroola is a better car then a cobalt, caliber from dodge and so on. So someone should be bashing Obama here, now that is a joke. There is over 6 million gallons of oil now being poured into the gulf and it is still going and what is Obama doing about that?

I agree with most of this, toyota has made some damn good cars in the past.. Obama ain't going to do nothing about the oil spill, him and his "buddys" have invested billions in an oil company in brazil (deep water drilling), now all he has to do is shut down all the oil rigs in the gulf...
These are the type of threads that made being a Moderator suck...... :angry7:
I choose to support America, toyota is not an american company, they are a japanese company. The bulk of the profit goes overseas. True they assemble cars here and american workers get paid, but if they were NOT here those same american workers would be assembling some other brand, possably something American in origin. Saying you sell more cars than everyone else, so its normal to have more recalls, is a poor excuse. Toyota quality is no better than you can buy elsewhere. The public will beleive anything they are told, hell lots of the toyota lovers probally voted for obama, and there are still morons saying he is a great president. So public opinion is sort of a joke.

Well said, but as another citizen who chooses to support America, not only do I choose to purchase American products (as much as possible) I also support whoever is the democratically elected president at the time (even if I disagree with them). Buy American before it is too late!