Toyota with ANOTHER recall...........

You know, we have had the "Superior Toyota Workmanship " crammed down our throats for so long that it actually feels good to me to see that they too have problems and that they have been brought down to earth with the rest of the car companies.

Just my opinion --- Bob

X10. :thebirdm: Toyota
NOT a factg, wife had a 2005 corolla, 3 fuel pump, both rear wheel bearings seized, all door inner weather strips shrunk and fell off, yeah nice cars..

BS pure BS and hyoe. Hell I have a 2004 GMC never even has need front brakes still 70% of the pads on this 1 ton and never done anything except an oil change when need and has over 100K and lives outside in WY during -30+ below winters.

All perception, Toyota is CRAP...
the fact of the matter is like it or not TOYOTA builds some of the best cars there are period, not an opinion its just a fact, if you dont like them thats fine dont buy one, but all this recall crap is being is being shoved down our throats by the feds in order to boost domestic auto sales, it has NOTHING to do with safety just money.

Well said! Now the Gov wants more domestic sales since the bail out.
Most people don't see that this is why this is going on.

BTW I wrench on cars everyday and see way more domestic in the shop than foreign. Most the domestics need motors rebuilt even with only 120,000 or less. When we do get foreign it is usually just a part needing replaced not tearing down the whole motor.
Well said! Now the Gov wants more domestic sales since the bail out.
Most people don't see that this is why this is going on.

BTW I wrench on cars everyday and see way more domestic in the shop than foreign. Most the domestics need motors rebuilt even with only 120,000 or less. When we do get foreign it is usually just a part needing replaced not tearing down the whole motor.

Thats because the foreign crap is at the dealership for recalls why pay you...
I also have the magnet(sticker)on the back of my American made pickup truck!Ford Motor Company of Canada has their(hourly paid employees)yearly picnic at Marineland(Niagara Falls,Canada).Great games and prizes,rides and attractions for the kids!Great fun to be had by all!:toothy10:
The foreign car hate cracks me up. Several foreign manufactures are building right here in the US, putting money in the pocket of the American worker.

Domestics are as likely to be built in Mexico or full of out sourced parts.

What is Domestic and what is Foreign? I can't tell anymore. I buy for reliability and resale value.
The resale value is based on BS and hype,,,,just like the stock market!

As far as where the parts come from...we all should know at this point that all cars are built with a lot of parts that were built on the planet but not necesarilly in our home country.

If any of you can't understand the difference between an American company and one that is's in the actual ownership! It's that simple. Wages paid to workers building the product are nothing more than build expenses...they have everything to do with the bottom line. Japanese car companies are building cars here for one reason...MORE PROFITS...and those profits go strait back to Japan. If you can't understand that then you probably never will!
LOL, resale is not hype. I'm sure you like to think it is but facts are facts man.

People like you crack me up. I don't care where the profit goes. Let it go back to Japan or let it go to overinflated american executive bonuses.

What counts is that these foreign auto makers are providing family wage jobs for the American worker and they are doing it more reliably than the struggling big 3.
"People like you"?????????? You don't know me.
So you don't care where the profits go? I see that as one of the problems.

The resale value dollar amount is actual, yes. The reasons for it are BS.
I take it you missed that point.

You will never understand and I am not gonna try. Maybe you should sell your ol Mopar and buy an "American made Toyota"! LOL
Sorry. I'm for companies that keep the American worker working. The foreign auto industry is doing a better job of that.

Resale and reliability are tracked and go hand in hand. It's not rocket science.

On average, imports have improved reliability and that is reflected in the resale value.

I would like it to be the other way around but it isn't, sadly. Maybe the big three will realize that Americans don't want crap cars that fall apart and are worth nothing 5 years down the road. I hope so. If not let them die.
LOL, resale is not hype. I'm sure you like to think it is but facts are facts man.

People like you crack me up. I don't care where the profit goes. Let it go back to Japan or let it go to overinflated american executive bonuses.

What counts is that these foreign auto makers are providing family wage jobs for the American worker and they are doing it more reliably than the struggling big 3.

So with that logic, it would be okay for a muslem company to do buisness here & hiring American workers. It wouldn't matter that the profits were going. After all the japaneses wanted to kill us at one time as well.
Sorry. I'm for companies that keep the American worker working. The foreign auto industry is doing a better job of that.
Resale and reliability are tracked and go hand in hand. It's not rocket science.

On average, imports have improved reliability and that is reflected in the resale value.

I would like it to be the other way around but it isn't, sadly. Maybe the big three will realize that Americans don't want crap cars that fall apart and are worth nothing 5 years down the road. I hope so. If not let them die.

The unions pushed the jobs out for the big three..but you don't care???

That is total BS. The value for a used car is based on what a buyer will pay. What a buyer will pay is based on what the writers and the yappers yap about. You've heard people on this thread talk about the unequal reporting of the recalls. Is everyone aware that Toyota always seems to have more recalls than anyone yet Toyota just now starts getting big press for it???? The press had no problem trashing american cars for years! Even flappin lips like John Stewart slammed American cars repeatedly!


Like I already said, i have two late model MOPAR products that I drive the crap out of. Over 200,000 miles between the two of them....NO PROBLEMS!!! Am I an anomoly?
Let them die? You mean...let US die. Without a manufacturing base, we are done. Providing a labor force for other country's profits is not a good plan of action.

Well there ya go! I explained it after I said I wouldn't! LMAO! 5 minutes I can't get back!:bootysha::thebirdm::cheers::-D:angry7::finga::bs::pirate::glasses7::angry5:](*,):angry4::glasses5::naka::glasses4::supz::pain10::tongue2::lurk::walk::rr::clock:
You've heard people on this thread talk about the unequal reporting of the recalls. Is everyone aware that Toyota always seems to have more recalls than anyone yet Toyota just now starts getting big press for it????

And your stats that back this up are where????? I sense your nose growing longer on this statement
And all that was simply pulled out of your butt.

Ok fine… Lets go with your argument that resale value is artificial. At the end of the day (fake or not) the foreign cars still have a better resale value. The greater number of 10-15 year old foreign cars that you see on the road everyday vs the number of domestics is obvious.

Pull your head out of the sand boy. Our American manufacturing base left with free trade.

I would rather be feeding my family with a Toyota paycheck than using my unemployment check from one of the Big three.
Toylete is good for something i guess..its keeping 3 of my friends happily employed with all its recalls..LOL...
I hope you know I don't even take your posts seriously. You simply hate Toyota. That's fine.

Your opinion doesn't matter. The # of old Toyotas on American roads says it all.
Im a little confused on the problem here. Several of those "japanese" car makers have plants right here in North America and provide jobs that are good paying and have some benefits.

They dont make as much as folks in the more traditional high labour scenario.

But who does? Seems like all employers want to lower wages to be on a par with China.