Underlined "Links" in Ad Text Useful to Anyone???



Leanna ~ The Mistress of Metal
FABO Vendor
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Greenfield, Tennessee
Over the last few months I've noticed lots of generic terms in people's posts are now underlined, apparently with the idea of providing reference links to more information on that term.

"Tires," "radiators," "brakes" ... with all due respect to whomever came up with the Wikipedia link idea, if you're on a car forum and don't know what tires, a radiator or brakes are then you need more help than any amount of Wikipedia reading is going to provide.

This thread was prompted because I just noticed that my NAME now has an underline. Its reference has nothing to do with me, my powder coating shop, or even that infamous nudist who also happens to share my full name. It's a flippin book -- a product of fiction -- called "Elvis Takes a Back Seat" written by Leanna Ellis.

C'mon Joey! Can't you just get rid of the programming that's causing this? Most of these so-called "references" don't reference anything useful to us here and, in most cases, I believe they might do more harm than good.

I'm willing to keep an open mind though if anybody thinks they're helping educate the masses.
Leanna looks like brakes and radiators don't do it anymore on my computer :cheers:
the only lines I get is when I miss spell something :D
I found out that if I miss spell something like paay pal all is good, but looks like it is fixed on my end sweet hart :thumrigh:
Concept sounds useful, and Ive found it to be on Wiki. But here its been useless.
I hate it. They could dump it and I would be happy.
Yeah, it is most likely tracking cookies on your individual computers. I was seeing a few but ran the cookie cleaner and antivirus last night. Now I don't see any. There are none at all in any of the above posts for me.
Yeah, it is most likely tracking cookies on your individual computers. I was seeing a few but ran the cookie cleaner and antivirus last night. Now I don't see any. There are none at all in any of the above posts for me.

same here all is good here but I do remember seeing them before