Unprofessional, My thoughts. Rant

good thing is, I a getting old and deff. when I figure the dude's radio in the net lane if thumping out mega blasts of some jungle music hippity hop crap.... ALL I hear is some mellow sounds that I figure is George Srtait!!???? so I give the idiot a thumbs up!! ha
If he makes 100k annually as a contractor, he's either not doing very well, or way undercharging his work.

Business vehicles reflect the business. The word for the day is professionalism.

I save those numbers every time I see them, under the name "Do Not Use". If I start to dial it, my phone jumps to that contact and saves me the trouble.

I agree with op 100%, but op needs to realize that if they were smart enough to understand what you're saying, they wouldn't be like that in the first place.
Yeah, he got the attention he wanted and he was noticed. But it was for the wrong reasons, and a negative one at that, so how is that helpful? With the music blaring away it also shows the disrespect he has for other people, not everyone is going to want to hear his choice of music. Finally, his response to the text really shows his I'm important, you're not, attitude.
That is usually the case. I can't remember any boom box on wheels pulling up next to me that was blasting out something I like!
i have a few buddies that are contractors
not only do both of em have trucks with their name/number on them...they probably employ half a dozen guys each. and all those guys drive trucks with my buddies name on it

my point?

im not even sure the guy driving and the guy whose number was on the truck were the same guy
so you judged the book by its cover.

lets get this straight. you got upset because his music that you apparently didn't like was too loud, his taste in wheels and manufacture didn't match yours.. yea you're cool.. get over yourself man..
Yes Sir, that is exactly what he did.
Not hard to guess, just going by my screen name that I have a tattoo or two. I get stared at, and hear sh*t all the time. Yet I am the one who helps people load heavy stuff in their cars at the store, open doors for complete strangers. Hell I spent yesterday helping a bunch of older ladies set up for a quilt show.
Damn shame when a book gets judged by its cover.
This ain't 1968 anymore....
Dont have to look different to get the look....
I held the door for some lady, she looked at me like i was going to rob her. I said i was from the Country. Then it was all right.
Dont have to look different to get the look....
I held the door for some lady, she looked at me like i was going to rob her. I said i was from the Country. Then it was all right.

new world order be lost, but i raise my boys up to hold doors for women, and their elders
almost never got a bad look for it (though i myself get it plenty of times when i hold to door for someone)
Not so much judging a book by it's cover when I'm forced to listen to booming **** music! Where do my rights start in that case. You can tattoo your *** to total different color, you can put 36" wheels on your 85 Impala, You can put 4" washers in your ear and pierce yourself with master pad locks (seen it). I can choose to not look. But the obnoxious **** that comes out of these POS I shouldn't have to listen to. My 2 cents anyway.
I'm sorry you didn't like my music or my truck. I have the right to refuse business and I refuse yours. lol
no wonder I get weird looks when I'm jamming to AC/DC driving the road. after all I am 55 years old. and don't forget the loud nasty 67 fastback
I'm sorry you didn't like my music or my truck. I have the right to refuse business and I refuse yours. lol
no wonder I get weird looks when I'm jamming to AC/DC driving the road. after all I am 55 years old. and don't forget the loud nasty 67 fastback
If I heard Hells Bells I wouldn't be complaining!
I cant crank Bonzo's Montreaux loud enough....
But i could do the same with flight of the bumblebees.
i dont need to put my business info on my truck for 2 reasons-
1 truck is too ugly.
2 im busy enough.
Most municipalities have ordinances stating how far away music can be heard, so there are laws dictating that type thing.

That said, I agree you should have just let sleeping dogs lie. How long did the "offense" take place? The length of a traffic light?

In the end though, you did what you thought was right and I do respect you for that. You stood up for something. That's not necessarily a bad thing.
Don't judge the book by its cover? First impression means a whole lot in the business world.
Would any of you hire this guy? Think and be honest.

The OP describe a person of "look at me and my way or the highway type" of guy.
In my opinion I would not hire him.
looks like a prison jump suit top.. don't think you'll have to worry about hiring him or not...
with a good reference? sure.. just because he had someone draw all over his head doesn't mean he isn't talented at what he does.

plenty of clean cut looking contractor out there that are crooks.
with a good reference? sure.. just because he had someone draw all over his head doesn't mean he isn't talented at what he does.

plenty of clean cut looking contractor out there that are crooks.