Was that a tornadoe?



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Jun 24, 2007
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For a change it was sunny and hot outside today we finally hit a 77*F day, so I decide to do the front brakes on my Dakota in the driveway, opened up the garage to let so fresh air in (my Dusters igloo)...got myself a few cold wobbly pops :drinkers: and got to work, no sooner did I get the trucks wheels off and on stands...The wind starts to pick up and the sky is getting dark.

So I throw the wheels back on, take the stands out and put all my tools away and close everything up.

As soon as I got inside the wind picked-up and hail was coming down, as I was on the computer checking my emails...(kinda peaved about not being able to do what I set out for), I hear a load "BANG", so I get up to go see what it was.

First thing I noticed (looking in the backyard) was the close line (no clothes on it) got ripped off the house, it was anchored with four 3/8" x 4"L bolts.

So i think "that's odd", then I put my shoes on and go outside to check it out.

I couldn't believe what I saw, my temporary garage (tarp) 14' x 25', which was the also anchored at eight spots with 30" spikes got blown away, over top of my 12' x 10' garden shed and my Duster's igloo (garage).

The shelter took out the clothes line and kept going...took out most of my weaping willow tree (which is huge) at 21' circumference at the trunk base.

But it could've been worst, my neighbour was having a birthday party for his daughter. And he told me he was calling the kids in when it hit, and the shelter/willow tree missed two kids by inches.

Thank got no one got hurt!
Don,t know where you are?But it nailed Oakville for 1/2 hour,it,s washing my Dart Sport for free right now!Dang 66 better be together and out and running this week??
Hope I can join in.But here the sky is getting darker and windy.We love thunder storms as long as no one gets hert.Hope everyones car is well protected.
Hasnt hit here in Ottawa yet but there is avery dark horizon to the West of here. The news has a Severe T-Storm Watch... there was some wind gusts earlier in the sun but now it's earilly calm.

I just finished pulling the /6 from the dart... spun bearing. The hood is still off but that shouldnt pose a problem even if it does storm

I'll let you know when it hits here so as to warn anyone East of here...Montreal usually gets it right after us.
That was brutal........I was going to swap my rad later today (scored a nice 22 " from BC (thanks chrisf)...decided not to
Geez, & to think I was just bitching because it was a little cloudy! Oh well, thats life in lotusland. LOL!
Hasnt hit here in Ottawa yet but there is avery dark horizon to the West of here. The news has a Severe T-Storm Watch... there was some wind gusts earlier in the sun but now it's earilly calm.

I just finished pulling the /6 from the dart... spun bearing. The hood is still off but that shouldnt pose a problem even if it does storm

I'll let you know when it hits here so as to warn anyone East of here...Montreal usually gets it right after us.

Hang on to that "juicy white meat" Kernel, if it blows as hard there as it did here, you might need a re-cap, LOL.

All the best.
Well there was a good gust a bit of rain and far off lighning strike earlier but looks like Ottawa South was spared the brunt of it but sounds like downtown and the Quebec side got it from the news I've heard.

My guess its following the river.... might go straight to Montreal! Hope it dissapates more by then!

Have a good evening all!
That must have been a hell of a storm!! It's hitting here west of Kansas City near the Kansas Speedway. Tornado was on the ground for 45 minutes.

Glad to hear everyone was safe!
We got hit pretty hard in Niagara yesterday, I think they are calling for more later today and then warm and sunny tomorrow. My 10 year old watched a show on tornadoes on the discovery channel and now gets very upset when we get high winds. Looks like there will be one more in bed tonight!