Watch your nutsack



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
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Careful out there.
Damn now a nut shield will be use to protect them against said fishy.
they used to sell em in the fish stores in New Jersey. don't think they do anymore. I remember they were mean *** fish.
Reason not to get into the ocean.

10. Sharks will eat you
9. Stingray killed the crocoditle guy
8. the waves will wash you away
7. jelly fish
6. Pirates
5. more sharks will eat you
4. you can't drink it
3. might end up like Tom Hanks on Cast away
2. Might end up in a life boat with a bengal tiger that wants to eat you like Pi.
1. some wierdo piranha is going to eat your testicles.

ok that's it, I am staying in the garage and play with my Mopar.
Reason not to get into the ocean.

10. Sharks will eat you
9. Stingray killed the crocoditle guy
8. the waves will wash you away
7. jelly fish
6. Pirates
5. more sharks will eat you
4. you can't drink it
3. might end up like Tom Hanks on Cast away
2. Might end up in a life boat with a bengal tiger that wants to eat you like Pi.
1. some wierdo piranha is going to eat your testicles.

ok that's it, I am staying in the garage and play with my Mopar.

Do you want to know what could happen to you in your garage while playing with your Mopar? Granted, most are MUCH better than having your nuts bitten off while you're enjoying a nice moonlight skinny-dip with your sweetheart while vacationing in Denmark...
I know a few guys that should have gone swimming naked with these fish. Maybe their sperm donors should have had it happen before they were created.
Damn! Now you have to wear a cast iron cup to go to the beach these days.
Though its teeth are used mainly to crush nuts and fruits, the pacu....

Interesting choice of words. LOL
Says they grow in excess of 55 pounds. I think a 55 pound pacu would be eatin more than your nuts.
"They bite because they're hungry, and testicles sit nicely in their mouth," Carl added.

That was well-worded!
Reason not to get into the ocean.

10. Sharks will eat you
9. Stingray killed the crocoditle guy
8. the waves will wash you away
7. jelly fish
6. Pirates
5. more sharks will eat you
4. you can't drink it
3. might end up like Tom Hanks on Cast away
2. Might end up in a life boat with a bengal tiger that wants to eat you like Pi.
1. some wierdo piranha is going to eat your testicles.

ok that's it, I am staying in the garage and play with my Mopar.

I'm okay risking all that...except for #1.
I can just about assure you guys, that just like winning the lotto, this is one problem I'm never gonna have, LOL
Our local swimming/fishing hole was drained a few years ago to kill off the crap fish and stock it with game fish. They found one of these. They are not man eaters like their relatives. Despite swimming there for 30 yrs I can attest that both my testicles are where they have been for years, in my wife's purse.