Way too nice!!!

did anyone see a gun. a petite gun handler by the looks of it. lol
Sometimes my shorts fall down with the weight of my wallet and keys and phone in my pockets. How the hell is a pair of panties holding up a pistol? I say 3 steps and they fall. Start walking hunny.
I don't get it? So is she trying to get you horned up and then she shoots you.
I thought it was pretty simple. A flirty girl wearing "nothing" with some firepower under that "nothing"
I don't really get it either, In this world we live in packing a gun is just smart for those who want to live as long as possible in peace.

That holster is not very discreet, a garter belt holster is more private, although lately I'm finding that open carry is just easier. Why try to hide it when you don't have to.
That holster is not very discreet, a garter belt holster is more private, although lately I'm finding that open carry is just easier. Why try to hide it when you don't have to.

Only reason would that that in a SHTF scenario you do not want to identify yourself as a primary target