Wearing suits sucks



Not a Nova
Dec 26, 2006
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Got to go to 2 funerals today and tomorrow! One a good friend 78 years old and tomorrow a friends 20 yr old son was found in his bedroom.

Well at least it wasn't you (they found in a bedroom) Tough to say goodbye. I've lost a few
Well you have two different situations being the one wearing a suit at a funeral.
One you are the person paying your respects.
Or the other that's all dressed up with no place to go.
Sad losses. It is good you can go and pay your respects so the families and other mourners can feel that person's life was important to others.
Sorry for losses....I cry when I have to put my suit on even for a wedding...too many hard times/memories when the suit comes out.
Hell. I don't even own a suit. :).

Have been to way too many funerals in the last year or two. Last one being a guy I've known since 7th grade. Just turned 48 years old. Dropped dead of a heart attack.
Gentlemen, and ladies. We, the majority of us here, are at that point in our lives. When you were young you were continually making new friends........now we are losing them. We're in the latter part of the game now. It's sad to say, but I suspect we will see many of our FABO family passing over the next bunch of years as well. We're a dying breed.
Condolances to the familys Big D.
You look good there Big Guy!
Sorry to hear of the reasons for your putting on a suit.

In my life, wearing suits always seems to be related to upheaval of some sort or another. Unlike those who wear suits daily as part of their job, I've only needed mine occasionally and always for some manner of upheaval...funerals, weddings, new job interviews, corporate ceremonies, government meetings, etc. With every one of the occasions I ever had to wear a suit for came a significant change in my life of one sort or another. Not all were bad, nor were all good...just always a big change.

It's no wonder I sweat a little whenever I am required to wear one.
Sorry to hear of the reasons for your putting on a suit.

In my life, wearing suits always seems to be related to upheaval of some sort or another. Unlike those who wear suits daily as part of their job, I've only needed mine occasionally and always for some manner of upheaval...funerals, weddings, new job interviews, corporate ceremonies, government meetings, etc. With every one of the occasions I ever had to wear a suit for came a significant change in my life of one sort or another. Not all were bad, nor were all good...just always a big change.

It's no wonder I sweat a little whenever I am required to wear one.
Being from texas, u probly could have gotten by w/ a nice dressy pair of levis, and western shirt, to go w/ ur $300 COWBOY BOOTS . I now were dressy slacks to that kinda stuff, but still see levis at all of them, were hicks here.
I'll be putting it in again tomorrow. Going to a viewing of a friends 20 yr old
sorry for you losses.

like said above, my dress code for attending such functions as in funerals , weddings, etc. is a clean starched pair of jean and cleaning off my best working cowboy boots. since I have nothing other, I must wear those boots.

must be why I never did well at all my job interviews too. unless they involved cattle, horses, or *** kickin
Have a couple suits. Pretty much they were to marry them, or bury them. Anymore it's dress slacks and shirt. Tie is optional.
Seams like funerals is the only time I've been dressed up lately :(
sorry for your losses I know where that is coming from since I got the dreaded call @ 3pm saturday that my best friend had just died, what sucked was we were 20 minutes away from his house and going on vacation up here just to see him, now it'll be for the last time.
sorry for your losses I know where that is coming from since I got the dreaded call @ 3pm saturday that my best friend had just died, what sucked was we were 20 minutes away from his house and going on vacation up here just to see him, now it'll be for the last time.
That stinks