Web attack notice

Problem is your NOT running a MAC!:D

I don't need a Mac LOL. I run Linux

1---When you get a new computer DEMAND that you get restore/ recovery disk(s) AND a Whendoze Disk (You may not get them, but demand them anyway.) This may cost you a little extra

(If every single customer who bought a computer would DEMAND these disks and threaten to "go somewhere else the manufacturers WILL cave in)

2---Buy a spare hard drive for your machine. In this day and age, that's cheap

3---Buy one of the little cable/ adapter thingies that allow hard drive transfers and plugs into a USB port

Mine is an older one that handles large and small IDE drives, as SATA drives. I think I paid 25 bucks, and now they are cheaper.



4---Take the brand new never used hard drive, and your brand new never used recovery disks and reinstall Whendoz.

5---Use whatever partitioner and shrink the Windows installation to a reasonable size, leave the rest of the hard drive unpartitioned.

6---Download your choice of a flavor of Linux (I'm now using MInt, used to use Ubuntu) which will give you a "live" DVD, that is, one which will boot and run Linux right from the DVD

You can get Mint in several configurations (I use "Maya") as well as 32 and 64 bit versions.

7---Install Linux in the unpartitioned space you made.

Then use Linux for all web browzing and other functions that you can. You don't NEED any malware or virus protection except maybe in rare cases. I've been using Linux on/ off for 10 years, and in the last 6 or 7 years use it MOST of the time. IF you find some file you want to download that needs Windows to run, go ahead and download it IN LINUX because Linux can "see" the WIndows partition, so you can simply save it to the Windows partition.

Then you can re--boot in Windows. I use Windows RARELY, and even more rarely do I use Whinehozed on the www
I had several warnings about a virus when attempting to go from FBBO to FABO a couple of weeks ago. Nothing lately however.

I think there is probably a common denominator to these problems other than the site. Obviously people are having problems associated with logging in, but what are the other common denominators ie; browser, operating system, anti virus, how well each individual is maintaining their system etc.

You should be able to safely visit a web site like this regardless of how outdated your system is. If you need an up to date java, adobe flash, firewall, anti virus and Firefox, that just tells you that there are viruses lurking in the background on the site that should be fixed. I'm not web pro so I don't know if they come through the banner ads or what but I have seen some strange ads on here with **** stars (clothed). I don't know if they're just a FABO sponsor or what, but that kind of stuff is shady to me.

With that said, I haven't had a single problem when browsing with Firefox but you get hit quick when using IE.
You should be able to safely visit a web site like this regardless of how outdated your system is. If you need an up to date java, adobe flash, firewall, anti virus and Firefox, that just tells you that there are viruses lurking in the background on the site that should be fixed. I'm not web pro so I don't know if they come through the banner ads or what but I have seen some strange ads on here with **** stars (clothed). I don't know if they're just a FABO sponsor or what, but that kind of stuff is shady to me.

With that said, I haven't had a single problem when browsing with Firefox but you get hit quick when using IE.

I would disagree, it's imperative that your system is up to date. There are viruses and trojan horses written constantly and if you don't keep updated you are at risk.

I believe that most of the problems are coming in through the Google stuff. A lot of the ads that you see are based on your searches elsewhere using Google. I switched to Bing, use Firefox and an ad blocker program with Avast free edition as an anti virus. Things remain pretty darn clear on my end.
I am getting a web attack, Malicious Toolbox 9 on every page I try to visit on ForABodiesonly.com, Anyone else

I got a Norton warning last week when visiting this site and I just got another just now (Thanksgiving day) that said "blocked attempted virus Blackhole." Then the computer locked up and went back to my home page. Something is up here.

I just got a virus a couple of days ago while answering PMs with Internet Explorer. Slipped past Symantec. Just got it cleaned up with Malwarebytes. What a hassle......
IE is, well, a nuisance to me, I got rid of it years ago. Norton is not all it's cracked up to be either.
I feel sorry for you guys that fight the WINDOWS NIGHTMARE on a daily basis. Once you get away from that garbage you will truly be SET FREE. You will not understand until you make the Leap away from all windows based operating systems. Only then will you understand you were controlled by BONDAGE.

Bill Gates has been Fkinnn over the American People and the Economy for years and they give him awards for doing it. Crazieeee