Well I geuss she said yes !!!!!

..................Congrats..............heres wishing u and ur woman a long life of love and happiness....................kim.............
AWESOME !!! I asked after 6 weeks a little over 25 years ago and my bud took 20 years to ask...

I tell ya, it just gets better and better...

Oh she's the one for me and yes she does carry parts and also helps me work on the car she wont let me do laundry though because I use the one load method ( everything gets thrown in one load and color doesnt matter ) so I am banned from the washer. I will post pics when I get a chance and THANK YOU ALL for the congrats its much appricated

thanks Joren
CONGRATS!! we just celebrated our 25th... and just like your car, your marriage needs some routine maintenance and "tuning". Find out what she really enjoys and spend some time doing that!
Two sayings:

(1) A man is never complete until he is married... then he is finished.

(2) It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. (This is for when you buy parts or cars).

Just kidding about the #1 thing, been married 25 years and would recommend it to anyone.

Congrats and best wishes,
Poor unknowing what she is in for girl !!

Just kidding, sounds like she picked a winner.
You do realize the difference between your girlfriend, your wife and your mistress don't you?
If you don't know I will post it for you.

When it is your girlfriend she says "Are you finished already?"

When it is your mistress she says "Aren't you finished yet?"

When it is your wife she says nothing but thinks "I am going to paint the ceiling beige!"

One big rule to remember is "If momma ain't happy then nobody is happy!"
Congrats & Best Wishes for a wonderful marriage :cheers:
Many congrat's there shifty!! And good for you, I wish you many happy years together. Now, you better get looking for an A body for HER!!! Geof
Oh Hell Shifty, you went to the light didn't ya especially after I said not to, The Horror of it all. Ah what the hell, good luck anyway.:sign10::sign10:
Many congrat's there shifty!! And good for you, I wish you many happy years together. Now, you better get looking for an A body for HER!!! Geof

no she wants an e body or b body but I will see if I can get her into A's
congrats man!! very cool....me, I'm looking for the right girl as well...I'm still young, but I'd rather be married..enough of this girlfriend mind games and crap...anyways, good for you man!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks to everyone for the support I figured I would get more razzing, but the posting hasnt finished yet, thanks again