what an unfortunate break.........literally



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Corinth, Ky.
well, it looks like the Valiant is on hold for now. At least for the next 4-6 weeks. Yesterday I received a few parts in that I ordered. I went out the back door headed for the garage and as you go out the back door you go down a concrete wheelchair ramp to a sidewalk. There was no snow or ice on the ramp. But we have always had a piece of carpet to wipe your feet with. Somehow ice got under the rug and it froze between the bottom of carpet and the concrete. I hit that carpet and both feet went out from under me and I hit hard right on my back. layed out in the 10 degree for awhile. no coat on as I was only 20 feet from the garage. couldn't get my breath. thought I was dead. Finally got rolled over and back in the house and called momma. She called my sons and their wives and next thing I knew I was on the way to the hospital. ex-rays showed # 8,9 & 10 ribs are broke. I haven't been hit that hard since I played football in high school. So I guess this car will have to wait some till I get back on my feet. Tyler will probably work on it on the weekends since we are now on the bodywork. Glad I got the engine done. man what a night last night. good drugs
Dang that bites. Man those ribs can be painful. Get well soon my friend. tmm
Well, the drugs couldn't have been too good last night - your type isn't slurred this morning!
Hope you recover quickly and can get back to the project soon,
Damn man. I bet that hurt like hell. Get well and try not to get hooked. lol
Ouch, been there, done that, long slow road to recovery. On the bright side, you can spend more time on A Bodies givin out good advise!
Sorry to here this. Good you got the engine done when you did.

I dont think i broke any, but took a hit in ribs a over a month ago. Ouch. Still reminds me once in a while if i cough too hard. Take it ez.
"Americans... We save our pain pills for when the pain is gone...."

- Ralphie May
I've cracked ribs before. yes it is painful, especially if ya have to go to work and work on equipment getting up and down from the floor. I was new there and w asn't about to say I couldn't do it! LOL

I have found as I got into my sixties, i'm just like MY dad was when he was same age. tripping over everything!!! LOL hope ya feel better soon!!!
Bruised let side ribs in a fall about 6 weeks ago. The VA x-rayed and they were not broken. I am 63 an this has to be the slowest heal I have never had and very painful. Go to a local feed store for animals like tractor supply and get some Absorbine horse muscle rub. I have got a lot better using it.
Ouch!!! You are lucky though, if you'd hit your head it could have been much, much worse.
well, as hard as my head is it probably would have been better. I would have cracked the concrete. thanks guys, I just got back from the follow up with the dr. He upped my pain med to 800MG. can you say " Bill in Wonderland " for a few days anyway. He said I would be down a month. I got to see the ex-rays.
Awwww that's bad news. At least you didn't hit your head, no seriously. Best wishes.
I've been following your /6 build and you've made great progress.
Glad to hear you were able to get back inside. You could have froze to death at those temps. Been cold hear even had flurries NE of us but nothing like there. Take it slow and easy.