What balls!

I can top that, fall of 07 I sent a member a brand new Wheelrite kit http://www.jegs.com/i/Percys/760/01201/10002/-1 so he could do his wheel calcs. I had bought it but didn't need it right away so I sent it to him and he promised to send it back when he was done and throw a "few bucks" in the box.
I guess he still isn't done.

Get that thing back so some of the rest of us could rent it, and you could get your money back out of it!!
Hey guys, perhaps I jumped the gun here. I just found the following in my PM's. It was USCG Charger. My apologies to Jason. I will PM him.


Oh the following quote was from 2/08

Re: Wheelrite

Originally Posted by MVRCorp
I'm not in any rush to get it back but have you used it yet? How did it work for you?

Jim... I sold it on Ebay!... j/kin buddy.. I've used it twice and it works great.. Can u pm me ur Addy and I'll get it back to ya this wk,,, So sorry it took so long but I changed my mind about my wheels abot 30 times since I've had this thing! lol

Having done business with Roy (SGBARRACUDA), I'm surpirsed anybody would stiff him whether it's for $2.75 or $275. he's a stand-up guy. Hope the perp ante's up!

Thanks for the kind words, I don't remember what it was but then I don't remember alot of things these days, but hey on a positive note, I can hide my on easter eggs now.
Hey guys, perhaps I jumped the gun here. I just found the following in my PM's. It was USCG Charger. My apologies to Jason. I will PM him.


Oh the following quote was from 2/08

Re: Wheelrite

Originally Posted by MVRCorp
I'm not in any rush to get it back but have you used it yet? How did it work for you?

Jim... I sold it on Ebay!... j/kin buddy.. I've used it twice and it works great.. Can u pm me ur Addy and I'll get it back to ya this wk,,, So sorry it took so long but I changed my mind about my wheels abot 30 times since I've had this thing! lol


Glad you figured it out Jim. Although, if I borrowed something like that, I would have been constantly contacting you to get it back to you and not let 5 months pass.
i am going to make a member think im a bad person, but i have a situation here, i cant get to a post office until i get home, so will think i am not going to pay, but i am, its already to ship but... and i get home this saturday
dont worry it will be ok
This will never fail to amaze me, A member asked for rear door sill extension. I send it to him ask for only the postage, I send it to him on 5-30-09. And he STIFFS me? Total amount he owes me $2.75! And yes I did remind him about it on 6-15-09 and asked if he got it. He writes back yes he did and mine is in the stack with the rest of his bills. How can someone accept a free part, AND NOT PAY THE DAMN POSTAGE!!!!!!!!

We have all forgotten to pay something when due at one time or another and yes, these times are trying for many of us. The one thing that is sticking in my craw(sp?), is the quote " ... in the stack with the rest of his bills." That is just down right disrespectful no matter the amount. It's one thing to put off a utility company or a bank card but not to someone you asked a favor of. I wish you would divulge the name.
We have all forgotten to pay something when due at one time or another and yes, these times are trying for many of us. The one thing that is sticking in my craw(sp?), is the quote " ... in the stack with the rest of his bills." That is just down right disrespectful no matter the amount. It's one thing to put off a utility company or a bank card but not to someone you asked a favor of. I wish you would divulge the name.

Well since you are a moderator, I sent you the PM he sent me on 6-15-09 along with who he is.
Unbelievable. $2.75 and he has an issue with that! Pay up sucker! (Jesse James has that tatoo'd on one of his hands)
Hey guys, perhaps I jumped the gun here. I just found the following in my PM's. It was USCG Charger. My apologies to Jason. I will PM him.


Oh the following quote was from 2/08

Re: Wheelrite

Originally Posted by MVRCorp
I'm not in any rush to get it back but have you used it yet? How did it work for you?

Jim... I sold it on Ebay!... j/kin buddy.. I've used it twice and it works great.. Can u pm me ur Addy and I'll get it back to ya this wk,,, So sorry it took so long but I changed my mind about my wheels abot 30 times since I've had this thing! lol


Hey when you get the wheelrite back, can you send it to me.... I'll even cover the shipping! 8) I am serious if I could borrow it later on.

I agree about the "it's in the stack of bills..." It's 2.75! Pass on the starbucks latte or a damn cheeseburger for a day for crying out loud.
unbelievable....I sure hope this trend doesn't continue. Sg your a gentleman and a scholar and alway's on the top of the list offering to help others.there are people out there that will ask for the shirt off your back then grow to expect it and never even thank you for it.so whoever you are git your head out of your :bootysha:,straighten up and fly right.your mom would slap you down if she knew about this.:wack:
What I hate about this is that the bad taste you have will stick. I am a new member here and don't post alot, but getting shafted on this may make you not trust a new member, like me. Not saying it will, but you won't forget what happened.
What I hate about this is that the bad taste you have will stick. I am a new member here and don't post alot, but getting shafted on this may make you not trust a new member, like me. Not saying it will, but you won't forget what happened.

Oh no I will continue to help out others when I can. It ain't always about the money. I get upset by lack of concern or morality about these deals than the money. I always want to believe in the good of a person and 95% of the time it goes as should be. I'd rather send a part or money to someone on FABO so that I know a 100% goes to the recipient.
Some people are just DB. If you cant aford 2.75 then you don't need to be building a car. It is just a hobby. If you cant pay the bills get rid of the car.
We have all forgotten to pay something when due at one time or another and yes, these times are trying for many of us. The one thing that is sticking in my craw(sp?), is the quote " ... in the stack with the rest of his bills." That is just down right disrespectful no matter the amount. It's one thing to put off a utility company or a bank card but not to someone you asked a favor of. I wish you would divulge the name.

That quote got me too. That's just plain dirty.
if we had his address, we ALL could send him a PM. that would be cool, 687 pm's then when we get bored,a week or so down the road, we can all do it again!!.
I'm broke and I will toss in a dollar and stamp to send it. I'm sure I can find it in the seat cushions of the Jeep or the couch.....
just in case lol if i owe anyone anything let me know. i am pretty sure i dont but would hate to forget even something small. so let me know. i try to be good about it but get busy sometimes thanks
it was the principle not the cash.

I agree. I'm hoping this might send message regarding his principals. 8) If I can pull it off, anyone can.

Plus, it'll make me feel good that I can at least contribute something.....