What do do with gas from a gas leak?



Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
My gas tank has a leak, and I just put a bucket under it. If I would have been smart (Which I'm not) I would have used a clean bucket and just reused the gas.
I have about 5 gallons just dripping away and I don't know what to do with it. At least it's not 16.

Also, I have a small tear (not a hole) in the gas tank about the size of a dime. You think when the gas is drained JB weld might work for awhile, before I can get a new tank? As I mentioned... I'm not real smart. I backed into something that ended up putting the hole in my tank. I'm not a real happy boy today!
Get a new tank, it'll save you trouble down the road.

And as far as what to do with the gas, do you have any fireworks left over from the 4th?
Put a new tank in, they are around $200 I think. With the old gas you could move to Montreal or to Detroit and get creative with it.
I think Advance/Napa/ AutoZone/etc. sells gas tank sealer putty. I've never tried it, but it would prob work better than JB Weld. Off roading, a hole in the tank is pretty common, we always used to carry a bar of Ivory soap. Sounds crazy, but rub a bar of Ivory soap across the tear and it will stop the leak long enough to get you home (sometimes). A new tank is really the only good fix. With the price of gas now even a new tank will pay for itself pretty quickly!
find a boat place and get some marinetex,its like jb weld but much better at sealing
New tank. Have you checked with your local recycling center, if you have one? I go to the transfer station with my garbage and the recycling center takes just about anything.
Gas will eat JB weld.

Strain the gas through a coffee filter and reuse it wherever.

When I brought home my 66 the tie-down chain rubbed a hole in it with 1 link. I took it out of the car filled it with water and put the hole to the top and brazed the hole shut. If it is full of water it will be safe to do dont take an open flame to an empty tank = its the fumes that explode.