What do you get when your wife is in control of the remote?

My wife and I don't have these problems. She has a TV in her office to watch whatever she wants, and I watch sports in the livingroom. If I really want to watch something without being interupted I go out to my shop and watch it there.
I can't believe I'm the first guy to say, "HGTV", ...HGTV, HGTV, and oh, more HGTV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a joke. A tasteless one, but just a joke. My wife only watches forensic shows - Dr.G, CSI, SVU, Without a Trace, etc.... so she knows how to hide a body.


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Haha...thats funny...my wife wanted to watch goonies just now and I said no! :D

But, I have to cherish the few times when I'm in control of the remote...
I just went out and got another TV no problem and I have been married for 48 years
"What do you get when your wife is in control of the remote"?

I do the only manly thing possible. I go down the hall to my office and watch what I damn well please! So there!
I just went out and got another TV no problem and I have been married for 48 years

Christmas gift for lovie last year was a 32" plasma and a HD receiver in the rumpus room downstairs. If she doesn't like what I'm watching, she goes down and watches what she wants on her own TV. Points for her though, she likes all the car shows, most of the detective shows, and a lot of the CFL football games. Keeper!! :)
I usually get pissed off.
My wife watches the Lifetime "all men are evil and horrible and should be castrated and forced to serve the every whim of a woman" Channel.
Between the crappy anti male movie's and tampon commercials, I want to puke.
dude, i had to suffer through a whole season of America's Got Talent
I'm lucky, we have two nice hdtv's and satellite in the living room and bedroom.

She always gives me the living room tv when I come home from work and on the weekends. I'm even allowed to switch from satellite to XBOX so I can kill some online gamers and take out my frustrations from the daily grind. :-D
Mine watches that stupid bitchy horse-faced real housewives show's.....that show is the worst, atleast the women could be better looking!

Teen moms show also sucks but I would take it any day over the other one.
I don't watch any of that crap, and rarely watch tv at all. ALL women do not necessarily enjoy reality shows.

tkboy, you're really making a lot of points today. I've got a suggestion about what you can do with that remote when you get it back from your wife. :-D :-D :-D

I thought I would dedicate two days to pissing people off around here, usually I try to be nice, but a week long headache, and a pregnant wife, what the hell..... LOL..... Didn't mean anyhting by it. I'm really a nice guy if you know me.... :)

And how did the wife get the remote? You wanna argue with a seven mo prego lady with surging hormones?????? There's a reason we all have been calling her "Mad Tessa" for years!