What is a Mopar ?



Utube channel 318willrun
FABO Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
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Story by Eli Shayotovich

The word "Mopar" is ubiquitous within the realm of car enthusiasts, mainly those from the muscle-bound era of hot rods where the tires were big, the engines were loud, and chrome was everywhere. But did you know that the name was first bandied about as far back as the late 1920s and was a shortened form for Chrysler Motor Parts Corporation? Heck, the amalgamated word is sitting right there smack in the middle: MOtor PARts.

... a quote from the article..... from the 1920's
I have a Chevy friend that laughs and says "chevy guy to the duster guy...... Are you racing this weekend? Duster guy says "I need Mo Parts" .... :D
I have a Chevy friend that laughs and says "chevy guy to the duster guy...... Are you racing this weekend? Duster guy says "I need Mo Parts" .... :D
and duster guy says and you going to need mo parts, as in mo faster parts.
A old friend once quipped;

M - Made
O - Of
P - Perfection
A - And
R - Righteousness

Yea…. Totally dedicated, fully engulfed and certified, bona fide MoPar nut.