What makes a car special?



Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
Amelia, Ohio
I want to keep this as clean as possible and I figured most here are adults so I would bring this up. For those that have lost their virginity in a car or made love with someone very special in their car, did make you feel more attached to the car. I was thinking about all the trucks I have owned growing up and the one where the magic first happened seems to be one that I grew very attached to. Also the next truck was the truck that I spent many nights driving around with the first girl I truely loved. Those two are the only trucks that I really had a tough time selling. Am I really strange or do others feel the same way.

Again try to be somewhat mature, I don't want the mods to shut this down because of some idiot horn dog.
My 1st car banging was in my dads pickup that I borrowed for the night, That truck was not special to me ! Then again my virginity was lost on one of my girlfriends uncles couch !
nope never got attached to any of my cars because of having sex in them. if i got tired of the one i owned, and saw a different one i wanted the old car went up for sale.

also changed girlfriends pretty regularly back then . Currently on my second marriage at 45 too LOL. i found out a long time ago that most women are nuttier than a shithouse rat. you just got to find the one in the bunch thats the least nutty.


its not that bad, its only one hundred dollars.
I have sold a few because of a girl I didn't want to remember. :)

But that is the opposite of what you asked.
I bought my car to race. I have wrench on it so long that I know all the in's and out's and how it work.
I always keep a b-body around just for the back seat, just in case. If I revered everything and every place that had to do with a girl, I' d just have too much stuff.
I bought my 68 roadrunner when my cousin called about the ad in the paper in 1979. 425 dollars later I had my first muscle car. Had one of the body shop guys at Duncan Buick in Moorestown NJ paint it. Cost 400 bucks to shoot it in irridescent bronze. I just remember going everywhere in that car, being a hooligan, everyone hanging at my house in Lenola. Thats mostly why I bought the dart, trying to recapture that feeling that you just cant, no matter what you do or buy. Life only happens once. The good times burned in my mind racing on route 130, parking at the delaware, etc made me a mopar guy all those years ago.
I think its the time you put into it, or the time you never put into it. I had a truck, nothing but oil and gas, great. Then I got my 65 Mopar. The only things in that not worked on by me is the oil sender and the gas tank! Cars are special for sure, but a car you built is like another kid.
Cars are special for sure, but a car you built is like another kid.

Except my car works. :D
The relationship I have with my car is like having a buddy that I can count on almost no matter what.
What makes my car special is the history we have together :color:r
Thanks to many members here I am head over heels in love with Victoria =D>
my grandchildren and children have crawled threw it and my
wife and friends has watched me race it and show her off
The time I spend under her bonnet and those late nite drive's
Keeps me wanting her anytime she wants me ..Victoria is a special
lady in my life :toothy1: it's thing like this that I think make a car special.
Oops! ! I forgot to say ...I don't kiss and tell.
For me, it's about understanding the car, and being understood by it. My cars/trucks are like an extension of me. I have a '70 Ford pickup I've been rebuilding for about 4 years. I drove it for 7 years before I started on it and it'll be 2-3 years before I'm finished with it. Nobody else in my family could, or would, drive it. I know every inch, every noise, every part, every thing about that truck. Now I have the Dart. I'm just now beginning to really know her, and her know me. Mutual respect. Again, nobody in my family appreciates her or will drive her. I kinda like it that way :) How many people today have that kind of relationship with their new Honda, Toyota or host of other imports. It's just a car to them. When it gives them a problem they take it to a stranger or trade it in on another one. No appreciation, no relationship, no caring. On the original topic, my first car I bought and my first, ahem, experience, was a '68 GTO and a wonderful woman I just met, only knew her first name, and never saw again. Ahhh...the memories!
My darts another ball game. It was my first car, got it when I was 15. It's grown up since then with a new motor and trans and rear end. That car has seen me at my best and at my worst. My friends got enough people to vote for it to be prom king that the principal had to address it. Realistically the only reason I will ever entertain the thought of selling it is for my real kids when they come along.

The trucks though never had he same amount of love as my dart. I always viewed my trucks as just a fun toy. Something I can beat the crap out of and sell. When the time comes to sell though those two trucks that I mentioned were really tough. My last truck took my down and back to college countless times. It went on numerous dates with the first girl I loved. It drove her to the recruitment office for her to ship off to boot camp. I was in that truck when she told me she was married six months later. It was my second home to say the least. The most I worked on it was installing a new starter and brake lines but I still saw selling it as selling away all the good times.
I always keep a b-body around just for the back seat, just in case. If I revered everything and every place that had to do with a girl, I' d just have too much stuff.

That's right, no need to be a beta male seat sniffer. These cars are equal to the amount of work you put into them as far as I go and worth half of that monitarily.
I don't have a car. It's forlorn. It's in the neighbor's shop. This is coming up on the one year anniversary. It was supposed to be painted last April. It doesn't mean anything to me. In fact, I'm thinking of moving to Sweden.

The only thing that makes my car special to me anyway is that is my very first car (which I still own to this day). Sitting in my backyard is my 1972 Chevelle SS (oh and it's a 4 on the floor) never getting rid of it!

The 70 Duster, well it was my little brother's car before he took his eternal rest. Soooo, the Duster has been given it's permanent spot right next to my Chevelle.