What r ya doin to beat the heat?



Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2009
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I was just sittin in my lawn chair catchin some rays and this song came on the radio. It was great,so were the drinks:toothy7:. What r you peeps doin to deal with this heat?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dAb_TyzAj8"]‪Lighthouse-Sunny Days 1972‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
I got inground swimming pool in my backyard. Been diving in the water everyday fir over a month and I'm up in cold Michigan. Got a nitro radio control boat to play with also
Staying in and getting dishpan hands while Buddy and Boogy fight over who's food is who's. I could go for a cold class of something?anything besides Tea or root beer.
Enjoy one or two for me DRENO, It's good to see you back :hello2:
In Alberta we don't like to go more then 2 days without crap weather,,,really keeps the heat down that way. :cry:
Teeing off by 7AM......finishing by 10:30 Am and sitting on a bar stool by 11 AM. This is what works here in west central Florida.:cheers:
A/C in the van went out on Thursday. Spent 3 hours on Thursday installing a gas hot water heater in an attic. Had to be about 250 degrees in that attic. going to get new AC compressor and drier for the van this weekend and install myself and get AC back up again
Year before last the air handler in my attic went out in the middle of July. The upstairs temperatures were well over 100 degrees for days. Fortunately we have a separate unit downstairs. I had an HVAC company come in to replace it. The guys worked in 15 minute shifts up in the attic where it must have been 150 degrees... Don't know how they did it!
Its been averaging 102 in my garage most days. Early morning is ok to work outside, but after 9 its way to hot and muggy.
There is some attic work related to my job from time to time and our rule of thumb is no attic work after noon in the summers. It can easily be 120+ up there.

A nice cold Bud is the only way to go! (<------old man)
Nothing, has only been in the low 90's for a week or so now. Supposed to be in the 80's for a week or so and then drop into the 70's.....
We've had almost 40 back-to-back days of temps over 100 degrees - a record for us - and more than 50 this year. This week alone has been 104-107. I work at an inside job from roughly sun-up to sun-down, so my suffering is limited to the weekend. Thankfully, our A/C is working at home.
I stay in with the A/C on. I hate FL, because when it starts cooling down up North it stays HOT down here!
New insulation in the shop!!! It's been 12 - 25 degrees cooler in there this year versus last.

Oh yeah, and lots of chocolate milk. :-D
Open the side door of the garage and pray for a breeze...:sad5:
Been hanging out in the air con in the shop getting the 62 done !
lotts'a cold beer helps too.