What stall speed do I need

Solid Roller Cam & Spool too! Everything that they say you should not do on the street I am doing with success! Lol

I'm in the same/similar boat as Mad Dart. I was going to use a 9.5" from Dynamic with 4000 stall for street and strip use. I then decided that I wanted the fastest coverter I could put in the car which they said was their 8" 5500 stall converter. The only reason I felt comfortable with getting the 8" is because 1: my engine builder recommended it, 2: I have a friend who ran the same converter setup all over town and couldn't tell the difference between that and a lower stall converter except when he mashed the pedal, and 3: one of the guys at one of the converter companies I talked to also had ran 8" converters on the street and had also said that he couldnt tell the difference between the lower stall and higher stall converters just putting around town. It's when you mash it is when the difference comes out. So between that, the spool, the roller motor with an aggressive cam, some people say "Oh you can't drive that on the street. Blah blah blah". Well people are obviously doing it so I just brush it off because for me, that's the setup I want. It may not be a setup for the next guy of course because it's all preference. So it's all going to depend on what YOU want to do with the car. That's what I would think about first then ask your builder and/or converter experts how to get there.
What did they charge for a converter ?

I believe it was right at 600. I bought it about a year ago. Car has been together for about 2 months. I have around 500 miles on it.

I had the car together the first time with a cheap 3000 stall. No comparison in any regard switching to the dynamic 3800. Launches better and cruises better.