What the heck happened to FABO?



Aug 15, 2009
Reaction score
MI 49203
its been down from 2AM last night to 6:30 PM today (michigan time)

What the heck was done to the site that it was down so long for?

I never received any kind of message letting my know FABO would be down ahead of time.

Just curious as to what the deal was.

glad its back though, I was having serious withdrawals LOL

I tried contacting Joey at his website but I have not got an email back from him...so maybe someone can answer here?
yeah man going through fricken withdrawals...all of them I think were down! Yeah its back!!!!!!!!!

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
I have been trying to get on all day. Been down for some time and was just now able to get on. Now I am happy again I get my FABO fix.
its been down from 2AM last night to 6:30 PM today (michigan time)

What the heck was done to the site that it was down so long for?

I never received any kind of message letting my know FABO would be down ahead of time.

Just curious as to what the deal was.

glad its back though, I was having serious withdrawals LOL

I tried contacting Joey at his website but I have not got an email back from him...so maybe someone can answer here?

dead battery?
It was down for atleast 16 hours.......I feel like a crack head lol....I been with out FABO so long I have the shakes LOL:toothy10:
I just posted on BBDart to see if anyone had an idea, then I punched in FABO and wala, WTH is going on? LOL.

Looks like someone turned off the master switch by accident.
Joey said something yesterday about wanting to figure out a solution to having to back up fabo every night between 2 and 3 AM......he may have had to close the site down for the day to work on some areas? and then he probably went to sleep after being up all night LOL.

either that or he was playing a VERY cruel prank on all of us LOL
Same here I always get on at work. I was beginning to think that my work had blocked the site since I spend so much time on it. Glad thats not the case.
Well it gave me time to actually get something done Mopar related so I spent a good part of the day building another unobtanium mopar trim encapsulation shipping module for another member.


I got an email from Joey everyone.

He said there were some server issues but not to worry and that everything should be all fixed today!.

and by the looks of things FABO is back on line and everything is working as it should....so we should be good to go.

Thanks Joey for the hard work you do to make FABO possible for all of us.:cheers: