What the heck happened to FABO?

its been down from 2AM last night to 6:30 PM today (michigan time)

What the heck was done to the site that it was down so long for?

I never received any kind of message letting my know FABO would be down ahead of time.

Just curious as to what the deal was.

glad its back though, I was having serious withdrawals LOL

I tried contacting Joey at his website but I have not got an email back from him...so maybe someone can answer here?

Yeah when I came home from work that is one of the first things John said to me something is wrong with FABO!! I thought to myself, calm down now it will all be ok. It will be up sometime and then you can play on it all night long.
Thank goodness it is back on and everything can get back to normal. Can't do without the FABO.:cheers:
I thought there was something wrong with my computer!
I've had problems getting on here once in awhile. Won't load.
At least i know it ain't me now. (i think)
I'm so confused.......
Wow! I missed all the fun because my power was shut off at 12P.M. yesterday and I didn't get power back till 10P.M.
Glad it's back, I was wondering the same thing earlier. Even tried fbbo and febo and none of them worked. I was upset, didn't have anything else to do at school. haha. I had to play games, it sucked :toothy10:
That has to be a record for most of us here. One full day with out FABO! Didn't think that would ever happen to me.:toothy10:
i thought it was the 'computer police' at work blocking it as well. Thought it was the end of the 'hot mopar babes'! phew!