What to do with old 9 inch drums?



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Reaction score
campbell CA
Are these worth anything?

The hubs are sometimes wanted by drag racers for Willwood disc set ups. If the drums themselves are still good, as in there’s actual service life left in them, they could help someone out that has that size drum.

The knuckles are worth a few bucks, the drums less. The hard part is cost of shipping since there heavy, drums more so may not be worth it depending on there inner diameter and what’s left to cut or not.
FIRST thing to do is endeavor to measure them and see if they are within limits, there "just might be" guys who want them. CERTAINLY the hubs are worth something. "Not everybody" is dumping these for BB conversions

See if you can find an old school shop/ parts store that still has a brake drum lathe and "might" have a drum mike.
They have value to the right guy. A sale thread may help find that guy. They aren't worth much though and shipping across the country could exceed the sale price. Sometimes even free parts don't get snatched up here but the ad is free and it's worth a try.
on a cold and dreary day, you march those right out to the edge of a lake and under the grey oppressive sky you heave them with all your might into the murky water, and as they sink into the darkness you mutter: see you in hell...

all kidding aside, somebody might want that stuff if they're keeping their ride all OG. the knuckles have some worth because there's disc kits that fit them. but realistically any shipping on stuff that heavy would kill any kind of deal.
Thanks everyone, maybe I’ll keep them on hand and if somebody wants to pay for shipping I’ll send them. That is if the wife doesn’t toss them in the trash first
Put them up high, where she can't reach them. For added insurance, sit a few rubber mice from a novelty store near them!
then you have to move all the candy and other expensive parts you're hiding to another secret location!

better to throw them in the garden and call them "rustic yard art" all inconspicuous like.