Whats the stupidest thing someone stole off your car ?



The Guy With No Birthday
Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score
Portage Du Fort QC
I was checking my timing and low and behold the cap from my power steering pump is missing WTF some mothers eh !
I was checking my timing and low and behold the cap from my power steering pump is missing WTF some mothers eh !

A T-shirt? :D

I had tail light trim rings and lenses stolen once. (seriously)

I used stainless allen screws on my Dart because of that.
(makes it just a bit harder to plan to steal)
I know stealing stereos is common but the one in my Duster was an old CD player not worth 10 cash in my eyes yet they took it i will say they at least did not cut my wires lol
Thus way I put a 78 dodge truck hood release on my 66 Sedan.
That does bite!! sorry sob's

I was at a birthday party about 12 years ago and my 2'' ball was stolen.
I guess they needed it bad that night......
I was checking my timing and low and behold the cap from my power steering pump is missing WTF some mothers eh !

How do you know it didn't fall off?

When I was in the Navy at Miramar, I got stuck at the downtown shore patrol for 3 months. It really sucked, and I still had a civilian part time job at the auto hobby shop. Parking was poor, and the jar-head that ran the SP then was a real POS. On top of everything else, this was right in the midst of the 70's gas crunch. Stupid service station people would leave their signs lit / rotating EVEN THOUGH they were out of gas and CLOSED.

Anyhow one night someone broke into my 70RR by breaking the top pivot off the vent window. I know why they DID. During repairs because of someone smackin' the car in the a$$, the trunk lock had been replaced, so the original only fit the glove box.

Stupid me had left the glove box key in the lock, so someone thought they had a free ride. Only thing they took was a tape which I didn't like anyway.

Do not ask me the name of the tape. That was 40 years ago!!
Hey you will get a kick out of this one ...
I have been hit so many times with jerkoffs braking into my car / truck and rippin off my stereo . The insurance company was getting a bit ticked off with me comin in with a claim that my system was stolen. So I got a new system to put in my dash , I took the outer case off the stereo and I tac welded 14 razor blades to the case then installed the unit and carefully took the paper wrap off all the razor blades.( Ok you SOB lets see you get this unit )
About 2 weeks went by and sure enough my car was broken into again I just got to the car and noticed the door was open I glanced in and Dam the stereo was gone, I called the police and a cop came out to check the damage and make a report for me for the insurance company . When he opened up the door fully He said holy there is blood all over the place!!!! pools of it . Cop said he must have cut himself badly on the plastic dash around your stereo. I said I don,t think so.. I think he found the 14 razor blades I had welded to the case. The cop just looked at me and shook his head as he was laughing , he said I will get a hold of the hospital to see if anyone came in with serious cuts to there hands Maybe we will catch this guy . And sure enough there was a guy in emerge with cuts on his hands with a back pack that had my stereo in it . The cop said to thief Ah huh caught you RED handed . The insurance company went good for a new stereo after getting the cops report
Someone stole the dead battery out of my 74 Dart. I wouldn't start, so I had left the hood unlatched. They must have thought it was easy pickings, in reality, they did me a favor. When I installed the new battery, the Dart fired up!
I had someone break into my car to steal my little stick-on suction cup Garfield I had on my back glass .
I had someone steal the antenna off my Fury to use it to break into the car parked next to mine...
I had somebody steal drivers mirror off my RR and cut all the cables to the remote that was inside which turned it into junk.
took the battery off my dads foxbody mustang 20 yrs ago by reaching under the bumper behind grille and popping the hood. He had a couple of jagged pieces of metal welded all around it. He went to go to work a few weeks later and there was a pool of blood all over the ground and on the hood and bumper. He said it was the best 12 bucks he ever spent and said he hoped they got tetanus
Stupidest thing stolen from me was on a job sight. Somebody actually stole my passenger side floor mat out of 2002 Dodge 2500??
Hey you will get a kick out of this one ...
I have been hit so many times with jerkoffs braking into my car / truck and rippin off my stereo . The insurance company was getting a bit ticked off with me comin in with a claim that my system was stolen. So I got a new system to put in my dash , I took the outer case off the stereo and I tac welded 14 razor blades to the case then installed the unit and carefully took the paper wrap off all the razor blades.( Ok you SOB lets see you get this unit )
About 2 weeks went by and sure enough my car was broken into again I just got to the car and noticed the door was open I glanced in and Dam the stereo was gone, I called the police and a cop came out to check the damage and make a report for me for the insurance company . When he opened up the door fully He said holy there is blood all over the place!!!! pools of it . Cop said he must have cut himself badly on the plastic dash around your stereo. I said I don,t think so.. I think he found the 14 razor blades I had welded to the case. The cop just looked at me and shook his head as he was laughing , he said I will get a hold of the hospital to see if anyone came in with serious cuts to there hands Maybe we will catch this guy . And sure enough there was a guy in emerge with cuts on his hands with a back pack that had my stereo in it . The cop said to thief Ah huh caught you RED handed . The insurance company went good for a new stereo after getting the cops report
us Canadians can get away with stuff like that-one of our American friends would still be in jail for doing that.

***actually.. I'm sure nowadays we'd get locked up for it too.
Ive had my flag and all my CDs took from my coronet . ive never replaced the CDs i think ive got 2 now
here's one that happened to a old friend of mine. my friend had a 78 ford ltd and he bought a pioneer system for it big 10" truck ridrs a big amp etc... cause he loved his music loud. i warned him if they here it they will come. and sure enough they did. his car was really messed up. it seems the thief got a big rock and threw it at the back drivers side door window but he didnt have great aim and put a big dent on the chrome piece next to the window. the second throw did its job hence the big rock on the back seat. he took the truck rider speakers and amp and i guess he got spooked and decided to leave in a hurry forgetting the radio. while leaving he hit his car with his car on the way out dented the driver side front fender and almost ripping the front bumper off.and leaving some busted turning lense. when we arrived there the next morning he was really pissed to say the least that someone did this to his car. we called the cops and filed a report they said all they could do was check local listings for the items and see if they were being sold. after the cops left me and my buddy did our own c.s.i we found out that who ever hit his car there vehicle was teal in color cause there paint was all over the front fender. so we decided to keep a lookout for a teal car and my buddy never really went anywhere except to his friends houses and his moms place. i lived in a trailer court and amazingly acouple of days later we were going to my place and a couple of trailers down from me was a teal colored mustang with a messed up pass side front fender. instead of me pulling into my parking spot me and my buddy drove up next to the mustang. the owner of the car was outside working on it and he got kinda nervous when we both got out of my dart. sure enough his messed up fender had traces of burgundy red metallic paint on it. he asked can i help you and my buddy said yeah you have 2 choices give my stuff back to me and pay for the damages you done to my car. or im gonna grab your scranny *** and start slammin your fingers shut in your car door until all of them are broke. he proceeded to tell us off and my buddy grabbed him walked him over to his car grabbed one of his hands and told me to open the door. then the truth started coming out he said let me go inside and get your stuff. i said no way how bout the girl standing in your doorway gets it. he told us she dont know where its at well my buddy said your gonna have a hard time tryin to hold onto things soon. she ran inside got my buddys stuff. and just as we were gettin his stuff back his dad showed up he said what the F%^K is going on here. meanwhile my buddy is still holding him over by his car. and im putting his radio stuff in my car i told his dad what had happened and you could tell he was pissed at his son. he then said sir could you please let go of my son, i assure you he's isnt going anywere he then asked my buddy what damages were done on his car. my friend told him and he said that sounds like its totalled hows 2500 sound for the damages done to your car and we can keep the police out of it. it started out as a shitty week but turned into a great weekend my buddy was still alittle upset that he didnt get to slam his fingers in a car door but justice prevailed
Yes I'm sure it didn't just fall off they're sprung shut when you twist em into place for christs sake and it's down low on my motor so it would have to go through the headers or the belts or both which I would certainly have heard , talk about stupid questions you been cruisin Victoria lately or something ?
one nite at a night club I cam out to find my side glass smashed and about 15 dollars of stuff gone???? the doors where not even locked...do you know how much it cost to have new side glass put in a AUDI:angry7:
someone took my mooneyes antenna ball.it was glued on with a hot glue gun.it had to come apart in the thiefs hand.stupid f------ scumbag
someone took my mooneyes antenna ball.it was glued on with a hot glue gun.it had to come apart in the thiefs hand.stupid f------ scumbag
But i wanted it lol JK hows it going pm me i hope your wifes feeling better
someone took my mooneyes antenna ball.it was glued on with a hot glue gun.it had to come apart in the thiefs hand.stupid f------ scumbag

Too funny, I had a yellow Mooneyes antenna ball on my old 69 Dart, it too was taken....crazy LOL
Too funny, I had a yellow Mooneyes antenna ball on my old 69 Dart, it too was taken....crazy LOL

someone took my mooneyes antenna ball.it was glued on with a hot glue gun.it had to come apart in the thiefs hand.stupid f------ scumbag

Dad had a monkey on his charger and half was taken. Only the head remained
There was an butt clown here in my home town that kept stealing the chrome gas cap of my Challenger back in the day. I knew who it was so I would steal it back every time he stole it. I changed to a flip open gas cap and it never happened again. The worst part is that I had found his Challenger for him and that was how he paid me back!
Some guys bented my hood on my 65 Dart GT and stole the signal horn!!! If they asked I would have popped the hood and gave it away for free!
Many years ago someone stole 4 of the 6 wheel nuts off my dads Toyota 4x4 & left the other 2 loose, if he didn't notice it the wheel would have come off