When is car vandalization ok?



Sheriff of Rockridge
Sep 30, 2009
Reaction score
Reno, Nevada

You know, it just boggles my mind why people would feel the need to vandalize a car just to get their point across. I mean, why cant you leave a friggin' note like everyone else, if I park in your parking spot on mistake, please I'm sorry, but writing on your windows in a cheap and whorish colored lip stick is not ok.

Especially on my truck which I sent good time and money into restoring. I'm sorry you own some piece of **** imported Toyota. Also, tampering with my brake light cables?

Im just trying to vent a little bit, I mean, come on, well thanks to a little detective work I found out who vandalized my car and they will be receiving a visit from the local law enforcement tomorrow.



Also, learn how to spell.

maybe they didn't misspell it..... and they thought you should be driving the truck, and not parking "her"

Sorry you have people like that around you.

I had someone loosen my lugs once on my Valiant, because I beat them fair n square in a race.
drives me nuts, like the guy in high school who keyed my 64 1/2 mustang cause it was nicer looking than his 11 second 86 shelby mustang.

People I tell you.
i nearly decked a kid for writing on my windows with window paint. my gf has done it twice and she knows it pisses me off (no i would not hit her) even with the wash off stuff i hate it and will not do it to you so you better not do it to me. sorry man and you are a good man for letting the pd take care of it
i would go so far as to buy a cheap ($100-$200) ugly old beater on craigslist and never title it and park it there just to piss her off. :thebirdm:
dude. i cant believe some people...what a B**** for doing that...i just dont get it...
It does sound like a good beginning for a Reno911 episode!
it is never ok/ find out if there are any cameras in the area if so you got the guilty party then file a police report have them arrested /now you can't drive with out tail lights so have it towed and repaired demand restitution thru the courts and let them pay for it all maybe they will teach them a lesson!
Dog poop, and warm milk shaken well in a spray bottle then sprayed into the fresh air intake vents at the base of the windshield will give such a pleasant aroma that it will never, ever come out.
Dog poop, and warm milk shaken well in a spray bottle then sprayed into the fresh air intake vents at the base of the windshield will give such a pleasant aroma that it will never, ever come out.

You are truly evil. :-D
maybe they didn't misspell it..... and they thought you should be driving the truck, and not parking "her"

Sorry you have people like that around you.

I had someone loosen my lugs once on my Valiant, because I beat them fair n square in a race.

Had a psycho EX do that to my 4x4, I was going down a steep hill and hear this ping, ping,ping than felt a drop in the front.Only thing saved me was the long wheel hub.

Yada Yada I know sleeping with her little sister wasn't the smartest thing to do but sheeze is that worth killing a guy over:-\"
You are truly evil. :-D


Had a psycho EX do that to my 4x4, I was going down a steep hill and hear this ping, ping,ping than felt a drop in the front.Only thing saved me was the long wheel hub.

Yada Yada I know sleeping with her little sister wasn't the smartest thing to do but sheeze is that worth killing a guy over:-\"

Where exactly did you park that made them so mad?!?

Some where I shouldn't have parked I guess. It's been taken care of as for the light I still have to drive with I out, until I can splice it back. I have 3 other workin lights though, but still. And no cameras.
The best way to get back at somebody is so easy.........................

Super Glue in the door locks AND the door handles if you can get to the linkage underneath them. Don't forget the trunk lock as well as the wiper blades also.
For real a*# holes, a gallon of cheap oil in the gas tank.

Don't ask how I know of this.