When Vendors don't answer calls, emails, voicemails?

Tool truck business is pretty good!!
HA! No, my wife has a good job. We bought the house 30 years ago for a little over $100 thousand. Sold our old house for $78 that we had bought for about $38.
Let's be honest here, there is plenty of customers you WANT your competition to take off your hands. While the customer is usually right, sometimes the customer is an A hole.

I believe myself to have good customer service, too good sometimes maybe. But I get very impatient with "time vampires" or people who clearly cannot be made happy. Once they light one end of the bridge on fire I go ahead and light the other lol.

Oh, yes. There are those. Over time, you actually learn to spot them pretty quick. Some can't be pleased, and you dread seeing the come in, and are thankful when they leave. Even more so, if they never come back.
A lot of competition out there. Find another vendor.
A lot of competition out there. Find another vendor.
What if I specifically want a vendor that rebuilds old 1950s engines and really likes cats. Are there a bunch of those out there? :)
Found yer song...

To answer your question honestly, we (my co - that I built out of my garage) have one of, if not the best customer service ratings & reps in the entire industry. I spend exactly $0.00 on advertising and have never once paid for or supplied product for a review, an eval or to be pushed, plugged or promo'd via social media.
How can that be? because of our customer service, global product reputation and business model. Nuff said.
You may think my views and opinions are soley my own, but I'm telling they are not - among business owners big & small.
Proof of that is EXACTLY why your frustrated now (with said co) and had no other way to deal with it, then to take to social media to vent, like all the kiddies do.
Talk to ANY customer service agent from ANY business and actually listen to what they deal with not on a daily basis, but on an hourly one. It will blow your mind the crap people say, try, do, threaten and rant about!
So - You may well be the victim of the countless jerk-offs before you, that ruined that business owners desire to communicate with his/her 'potential' customer base..but sadly, I kinda doubt it.
I guess what you failed to understand in my previous post, peeking under the curtain, into the other side of the customer service window is:
If you as a "customer" (particularly one who hasnt bought a single thing yet) pester &/or demand anything from an already busy, overloaded, regulated to death business, that may well be doing all it can in a 24hr day, with what most likely is BS 2000 questions or demands for this & that (including demanding replies when & how you'd expect it), repeatedly, then no, as a matter of fact, they will decide they really dont need, nor want your business.
You said yourself, "repeated calls & emails" This may again sound harsh ( again -not intended to), but I spotted you a mile away and dont know a thing about you - from 1 post.
How would you like to be pestered relentlessly? exactly.

I assure you, the owner of whatever Co your trying to reach, spam foldered every one of your emails and will never call you back....
Hear it or dont, believe me or not, You became "that customer" before you could even become a paying one.
Its a lesson in how people behave when they want something, but more importantly, its a sign of how they are, or are going to be - when they dont get it.
best of luck in your endevors. Im out.
Don't understand why companies put email addresses on their sites if they have 0 intention of responding. And when they do...well....huh?
Been messing around with getting into remote triggering my cameras. Company called Pocket Wizard makes all kinds of cool stuff. Had a question. Got a robo response to my email. Much to my surprise a few days later I got a response from a human. And it was actually very helpful. The email did raise a bunch of new questions....see what happens when I call them tomorrow...
I just spent $3500 on a tranny rebuild and new converter. I tried to get in touch with a few tranny shops including CRT and SMR. All I got back was crickets. Ended up going with a somewhat local, 75 miles away from me, shop that came highly recommended by the local racers. $3500 may not seem like a lot of money to some of these shops but when it's coming out of my pocket, it's a lot of money.

one of the drinking fountains at Church broke and i was asked to fix it
so i called the company that installed it, and talked to the girl to see if they could get me a replacement part
she said she'd look into it
when i didnt hear back from her, i did my own research and ordered the part i needed from amazon, probably for half of what it would have cost me if she had called back