When your coffee maker cams harder than your race car

the coffe pot is f
The coffee pot is fine, it's the china made coffee that is the problem. but now you will have to flush the whole system out and put in new O rings. I can do that for you for a small fee....
the coffe pot is f
The coffee pot is fine, it's the china made coffee that is the problem. but now you will have to flush the whole system out and put in new O rings. I can do that for you for a small fee....

Can I watch?
My wife has a Keurig-a-ma-jig, I'm supposed to look at. It's the second one in two years that died. At a $100 a pop; I said enough of thatchit; buy a Black-N-Decker. Those I can re-ring and valve no problem.
I don't drink that stinky black ........mud....
It's bad enough I have to put up with the ...um.....aroma.
If I hadda known what marriage was really gonna be like 40plus years ago............ Well let's just say......in the next life I'm a-gonna stay single.
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of course you can AJ and everyone on this trend can watch me screw it up. But I still get paid a small fee...

One beer every 20 minutes for the first three. Then a pee-break.
Then one beer every 30 minutes for two, and another pee-break.
Then a maintenance beer, every 40 minutes, until the 12 are gone, with a pee after every beer.
I don't usually make it to the last 12th bottle.
Actually, the last time I did that was in 1993. And I hadda carry my darling wife home, who was having a hard time crawling......................sometimes around her um well you know, wretching. She tried to keep up with my rate of consumption. But at 105lbs, her body wasn't having any of it.
Oh, you said "fee",I read "tip"
Well, to finish; the tip is to leave your stinking-drunk wife at the party; it's waaay easier on your back,lol.
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One beer every 20 minutes for the first three. Then a pee-break.
Then one beer every 30 minutes for two, and another pee-break.
Then a maintenance beer, every 40 minutes, until the 12 are gone, with a pee after every beer.
I don't usually make it to the last one.
Actually, the last time I did that was in 93. And I hadda carry my darling wife home, who was having a hard time crawling......................sometimes around her um well you know. She tried to keep up with me. But a 105lbs, her body wasn't having any of it.
Oh, you said "fee",I read "tip"
Well, to finish; the tip is to leave your stinking-drunk wife at the party; it's waaay easier on your back.
that sounds like a union job like a long shore man job here in the states. and I don't think you would ever leave your wife or any one behind. Your not that kind
That was 1993. I doubt I've had a dozen beers since. And at my age now, I couldn't carry my wife 10 feet,lol. And you're right; I made my beautiful dear wife a covenant on the day we wed, and I'm sticking to it no matter how old,fat, or ugly, we get.
Can I watch?
My wife has a Keurig-a-ma-jig, I'm supposed to look at. It's the second one in two years that died. At a $100 a pop; I said enough of thatchit; buy a Black-N-Decker. Those I can re-ring and valve no problem.
I don't drink that stinky black ........mud....
It's bad enough I have to put up with the ...um.....aroma.
If I hadda known what marriage was really gonna be like 40plus years ago............ Well let's just say......in the next life I'm a-gonna stay single.
I agree with you I never drank coffee. The smell of it and someone smoking on top of that just makes me gag
Oh yeah, I stay as far away from cigarette smoke as I can.
It never used to be like that 20/25 years ago..... My wife was a smoker when we met in 75, wed in 77, and until the kids came along, beginning in 80.She always quit as soon as she knew she was carrying.Then resumed after the nursing ended. It never used to bother me at that time. It didn't bother me until my Mom died in 94. She was not a smoker,but Dad always was. The ME said that the second-hand smoke had taken it's toll on her lungs, and those lungs looked every bit as tho she had been a smoker. However that's not what killed her; it was the third stroke at just age 60.
Ever since then, I have a really hard time being around smoke. Dad lived another 14 years after that, to age 83, and believe it or not;cancer-free; having been a smoker since his 11th year,he always said. Sad to say, I could not visit him much,during all those remaining winters.
Dad died as a result of an infection he couldn't shake, after having routine surgery to repair a mild aneurysm in his side, in preparation for cataract removal. A stinking infection that kept him in the hospital for nearly 3 months, that the doctors could not cure. Imagine that, an incurable infection, in a hospital.
I had to quit good jobs because I couldn't take smoking in the workplace.
Oh yeah, I stay as far away from cigarette smoke as I can.
It never used to be like that 20/25 years ago..... My wife was a smoker when we met in 75, wed in 77, and until the kids came along, beginning in 80.She always quit as soon as she knew she was carrying.Then resumed after the nursing ended. It never used to bother me at that time. It didn't bother me until my Mom died in 94. She was not a smoker,but Dad always was. The ME said that the second-hand smoke had taken it's toll on her lungs, and those lungs looked every bit as tho she had been a smoker. However that's not what killed her; it was the third stroke at just age 60.
Ever since then, I have a really hard time being around smoke. Dad lived another 14 years after that, to age 83, and believe it or not;cancer-free; having been a smoker since his 11th year,he always said. Sad to say, I could not visit him much,during all those remaining winters.
Dad died as a result of an infection he couldn't shake, after having routine surgery to repair a mild aneurysm in his side, in preparation for cataract removal. A stinking infection that kept him in the hospital for nearly 3 months, that the doctors could not cure. Imagine that, an incurable infection, in a hospital.
I had to quit good jobs because I couldn't take smoking in the workplace.
A sad story and sorry for your loss. I was the only one in my family who didn't smoke. My Dad quit at 66 and died at 67 with a massive heart attack. My mom quit the same time as dad and then she couldn't stand the smell of anyone smoking . She would say "I didn't smell like that when I smoked did I?" Of course she did. Mom lived to 86 and in the early stages of dementia but pneumonia took her from us.
Imagine a simple infection taking a life today with all the medical knowledge and meds. The problem being we use too much anti-biotics these days and our bodies lose the capabilities of fighting diseases with our own anti-bodies.
Oh yeah, I stay as far away from cigarette smoke as I can.
It never used to be like that 20/25 years ago..... My wife was a smoker when we met in 75, wed in 77, and until the kids came along, beginning in 80.She always quit as soon as she knew she was carrying.Then resumed after the nursing ended. It never used to bother me at that time. It didn't bother me until my Mom died in 94. She was not a smoker,but Dad always was. The ME said that the second-hand smoke had taken it's toll on her lungs, and those lungs looked every bit as tho she had been a smoker. However that's not what killed her; it was the third stroke at just age 60.
Ever since then, I have a really hard time being around smoke. Dad lived another 14 years after that, to age 83, and believe it or not;cancer-free; having been a smoker since his 11th year,he always said. Sad to say, I could not visit him much,during all those remaining winters.
Dad died as a result of an infection he couldn't shake, after having routine surgery to repair a mild aneurysm in his side, in preparation for cataract removal. A stinking infection that kept him in the hospital for nearly 3 months, that the doctors could not cure. Imagine that, an incurable infection, in a hospital.
I had to quit good jobs because I couldn't take smoking in the workplace.
A sad story and sorry for your loss. I was the only one in my family who didn't smoke. My Dad quit at 66 and died at 67 with a massive heart attack. My mom quit the same time as dad and then she couldn't stand the smell of anyone smoking . She would say "I didn't smell like that when I smoked did I?" Of course she did. Mom lived to 86 and in the early stages of dementia but pneumonia took her from us.
Imagine a simple infection taking a life today with all the medical knowledge and meds. The problem being we use too much anti-biotics these days and our bodies lose the capabilities of fighting diseases with our own anti-bodies.
sorry about your loss guys. I do smoke and drink coffee but I keep my smoking to my self don't smoke in my house but do smoke in the shop but not when someone stops by. I try to keep it to myself and if we ever meet up and I offend you with my habit you can give me **** and I'll put my smoke out and drink my coffee later. friendship is more important than a habit.
Fred, that would make you a mench.
An old time considerate human, and I like you already.
when some one helps another like you have helped me the last thing that I would do is be an ***.
If it tastes like it smells, I don't think I'd be blaming the Zinc,lol.
I like coffee I'm gonna have to try some zinc on my next pot, you never know it might help my lobes from being flatter than the are now.