Where to buy an air cleaner base gasket?



Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2007
Reaction score
Bailey, Co.
I'm having troubles locating the gasket between the top of the carb. and air cleaner base for a Thermoquad, any ideas? The parts store guys say no go so I'm asking here.

Thank You
They come in just about any serious gasket set. Same diameter as the Holleys so there should be some out there. Maybe someone close by to you has a broken Felpro head gasket set from which they can rob one. Carb kits usually have one too.
Go to your local napa store and tell them you need a sheet of gasket material. We used to make all of our gaskets in the field on heavy equiptment. They are easy to make.
I was just in a "box" parts store the other day, and they had a whole stack of Holley square bore base and air horn gaskets. It was a common store, either O'really, Autozombie or CarQuestfailure, don't remember which. I thought we had a poor NAPA, but gawud, I'd think they'd stock THOSE