Who here is a Golfer/Hacker



Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2008
Reaction score
Been goofing since I was kid with my dad and grandfathers awesome game.. I work on cars for a living so this is my stress reliever on the weekends...Going this weekend for some hacking fun...wanna go anyone?????
I would be the hacker. Used to golf a lot more but then spent too much time working on my cottage. Best score was a 81. Meet you on the first tee,have your bag filled with cold beers,K?8)
Love to but my back has a different opinion. Since I broke it, I can't even hold onto a club through what is left of my swing. Getting old is not for the faint of heart.
I used to play all the time, shot mostly in the 80-85 range.

Then I moved to one of the meccas for golf and haven't played but 2-3 times in the last 4.5 years... go figure.
Hacker here... I did buy some good used clubs for cheap thinking I was going to get back into the game but I'd rather work on junk cars, so the clubs have been collecting dust.
I just use one club, the Driver. The other clubs are just for looks. I haven't killed anyone yet so I guess I'm doing ok:thumbup:.
i drove a golf cart once does that count then was told to leave and i will never know why lol
Been playing since I was 14, you'd think I'd get better at it eventually!!

I NEVER shoot over 75, though(sometimes I quit after 11 holes, sometimes after 14)
Haven't played in almost 7 years and the clubs have been collecting dust. I actually tried swinging on the front lawn 3 years ago but after a redislocated shoulder, it just never felt the same. Maybe it's time to go out to the driving range and give it another shot.
you guys are funny as hell..... Just getting the bag dusted off and cleaning my grips with dish soap and water..bought some new balls that float LOL.... Got some new soft spikes for my shoes...Got a 9 am Tee off time at Green NY and a 2 pm Tee off time at Afton NY.. I am going to try to play 36 holes tomorrow... The 9 am 4 some I am playing with is suppose to have 2 scratch golfers....They are really really good never seen them play ... and the 2 pm 4 some are guys and gals from my work... Should be a great day in the 60's and sunny...fist time out ...I bet i will be sore as hell sat night... I will let you know how I did...I hope i shoot in the high 80's would make me happy...
Chas, That, i must say is a fun game if you dont take it seriously. You can always tell the caliber of golfer early in the morning by how high up on their pants the dew has been.. Kinda tells ya where they've been hitting their balls. I always do better when i've had a few MGD's and a couple a shots of Kesslers. I do pretty well with the #1 club. Most people say they cant hit with a #1 but i've done pretty well. If ya weren't so far away i'd take ya up on a round. Dont ask me what my handicap is because i cant tell ya. Is it really that important? I had a guy invite me to play one day but i told him, if it didn't include hunting or fishing just to count me out. Well i went with him. The first whack , i sent the ball into the rough. Now we went hunting. The second lick i put her in the lake. Had a chance to go fishing. I took right up with this gorph game. Haven't been in a few years but i guess i'll have to take it up again. Sold my cart but they can be rented. Glad ya mentioned it. My cousin makes as much money on the course as he does at his regular job with Nestles'. The big boss calls him to be his partner at all the big meetings that takes place in really nice places. He wont play with me.
Small Block
I'm finally breaking 100 on a consistent basis(barely), but I love playing. My cousin owns a course, so I try for as many freebies as possible. My wife and I golfed in Myrtle Beach last fall, and we had a blast with two other hackers.
I'm a Hacker, used to picture my ex wife's face on the ball, but then I'd pound it into the ground before I hit it so had to quit!
I love to play but I'm a HACKER for sure. Golf is one of the best games ever, and if you think you don't like it because you have watched it on TV and it looks boring you need to go out and play it for yourself, you'll get hooked.

I shoot in the low 100's and hope to get the high 90's before too much longer, I follow the rules though, play it where it lays, no foot wedges, mulligans and I count every one of my strokes. Nothing worst then playing with guys that say they shot a 93 and didn't count the extra shot in the sand or kicking the ball out from behind a tree. Golf is great, I love it almost as much as my Dart!!
Love the game! I suck... but still love it! My normal weekend cruise's in the Duster are to the golf course.
Played on the highschool team, shot in the 80s. Hadn't played for years but going more often now that my son is playing some. I've got the oldest clubs on the course.:-D

Seriously, I see those big berthas and want to hide my 1-wood......inferiority complex.
I used to play a lot when I was younger. Shot in the upper 70's and even had an ace. One separated shoulder and one torn rotator cuff later, I don't even think of it now. Besides it would take money away from the Demon. hehe

Just got back at 7 pm...what a long day started at 9 am played 36 holes 2 seperate golf courses it was a blast...bought a used Taylor made R-7 Tourburner Driver off my uncle for 100 bucks the thing hits great and straight Looks brand new..I was using an old azz bigbirtha which has worked for a long time, this just fell in my lap so I bought it on the 2nd tee...He said try this its for sale..I drove it straight and said SOLD.. I shot a 98 the fist 18 and a 94 the second round....not that good but my chipping killed me...practice practice practice
I've got the oldest clubs on the course.:-D

Seriously, I see those big berthas and want to hide my 1-wood......inferiority complex.

Yeah I've seen some guys with "old" clubs...

I played about 20 years ago with some pretty good players. One of the days we played an older guy, with some 60's style blades wanted to play with us and wanted some action. My buddy told him no problem. The guy kicked the ever living crap out of my long hitting buddy that was a 6 hc. This guy basically hit a 5-7 iron off every tee dead nuts down the middle, chip/pitch and a one putt... done! Didn't matter the hole, par 5; 3 5 irons and a putt. The dude was deadly. It was fun to watch my friend blow a gasket that day and I learned a lot about course management from that guy.

No Ti drivers with that guy either. Had all Persimmon woods. He was a kick to play a round of golf with that day.

It's fun as long as you don't go overboard.
Used to golf alot when I was a teenager and young adult. Now I am truly only a hacker who enjoys sipping the beers along the way with my friends more than the game.