Who`s your FABO Good Guy?

ALL the mods and Joeychgo for putting this site together and keeping it clean. And then EACH AND EVERY MEMBER!!!!!! All 11,815 of us who participate in the forums here and make this site what it is. THE VERY BEST INFORMATIVE MOPAR WEBSITE IN THE UNIVERSE!!!! I am honored to be a member of such a great site and even though I an a newbie, I feel like I have known all of you for years. I guess the shared Love of Mopar vehicles will do that to a person. Thanks Everyone!!!!!!!!!!! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
all i can say is - GREAT SITE !

Ive been trying to get Iowa guys to come over.......to BS or go for a ride.....for a LONG time.......

i think they are scared of a Mild 10 sec Dart !! :angry7:

Got to give :thumleft::thumleft: to inkjunkie, he drove halfway to Oregon to pick up a Dana 60 for me and he's got to in his 90s and he still unloaded it by himself and is keeping it safe till I can pick it up!
Alot of great people here to help out.I have a few i will give special thanks to.

Dartcuda,couldnt of finished my Barracuda without the deck lid he sold me a few yrs back and at a $ less then a junk one in the midwest would of cost.

DartDad Too,model car parts he sent me last yr that were no longer available,couldnt of finished that project without them,and he didnt
charge me!

Galactic eyes,on my recent model car project he provided me the whole
kit,which is no longer available,and charged nothing,not even shipping!Will
update that thread on progress soon.

Thanks guys,my i owe you list keeps getting longer!
Top of my list

AdamR for giving us this place

Small Block - for being a wealth of knowledge

Everybody else - have not met/dealt with anyone that was not a pleasure to deal with. Great Bunch of Mopar NutZ
Dfnsmn34's my hero of the week! Totally out of the blue, a pound of Kona coffee and a bag of milk chocolate-covered macadamias arrived from Hawaii. Bribery (especially chocolate) and of course flattery will get you everywhere. Thank you Mike!!!!

And the second-to-seventh runners up, in no particular order because they're all helping keep my "Parts In-Box" full lately ...

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2 Darts
Tony Fields

A big thanks and hats off to the Good Guys! :-D
Leanna, You mean to tell me you have just got the nuts and coffee? Wow, I got mine last year and already drank and ate em all up........i did trade some deer summer sausage for em though. Good stuff i might add. How much more will you weigh after you eat those chocolate coverd nuts? I know what, let Billy eat em so you dont have to deal with the after effects. I'll bet.
Small Block
I missed this thread up until now.....thanks for the mention homecloned and memike.... this place really is great and there is no way I can name all the people have have gave good info and who have been willing to help out....to many good guys to name.

I try to help where I can and be a good friend and I am glad to know that some of you have made me your good guy lol
Got to give :thumleft::thumleft: to inkjunkie, he drove halfway to Oregon to pick up a Dana 60 for me and he's got to in his 90s and he still unloaded it by himself and is keeping it safe till I can pick it up!
LOL....in his 90's....funny stuff. I can't wait to hear inkjunkie's response. :read2:
Leanna, You mean to tell me you have just got the nuts and coffee? Wow, I got mine last year and already drank and ate em all up........

Well, I didn't say it was the first time Mike's hooked me up. :-D

... How much more will you weigh after you eat those chocolate coverd nuts? I know what, let Billy eat em so you dont have to deal with the after effects. I'll bet.
Small Block

The same as I do right now. I work it off daily, believe me. And ya better not let Billy anywhere near my toffee / chocolate covered nuts ... I work hard for those delectable tips dang it LOL!
Everybody here, this is a great site. Sometimes I'm gone for a while and dont post for a month or so but I still read but I get busy working on all of our A-bodies and our charger and my A-body and stangs etc etc you know the drill. Thanks again everybody for making this a great site, I dont go to any other mopar sites.
Sounds like you are like me Leanna. People ask me how they can lose weight. I tell em to just follow me around and you'll lose a bunch. Always on the move.
Small Block
read the other post so here an update on good guy sellers



John Cope of Cope Racing Transmissions

Guy I'm not sure about is Happco 0 post here e-mailed me all hot and heavy about buying my 73-77 FG Dart fenders for sale here. Asked for more pics then offered me a good price and to pay half to hold them then nothing but crickets lol
Adam was the first to welcome me, so him for sure. then John(longgone).He is a real good guy. After that.....the list just grows to almost everyone......even you Joey(aka-joedart)
I have dealt with many people on this forum...both selling and buying. Also, just showing support with recent health issues I have been experiencing, I honestly think of you all as family. If I were to list you all by name I would have to type out 10,000 names ! Thank you all for being there for me through the years.