who wants nos rotors!!!

1200 bucks for rusted junk, he should share the wealth and pass the crack pipe, I'll pass.
Not only is his price ridiculous, he wants $75 for shipping! I guess he doesn't realize that you can get brand new rotors for under $60 a pair delivered to your door.
Wow,that makes my rotors "survivor" rotors. Gotta be worth at least $800 each lol.
Maybe I should display them on my parts shelf..........
or should I just get some at the junkyard and say they are NOS.
Man thats some good uncut crack he's smoking there...
Those type of rotors are pure junk, even when new. A agree with Autozone being the go to place for new rotors. I prefer the ones made in Canada. The Zone has several vendors so check to ensure the rotors are a matching pair.
re: NOS Rotors. Yes, $1200.00 is more than I would want to pay, BUT, they're NOS, they're his NOS, this is America, and he can ask whatever he likes, and, no one's forcing you to buy them. C'mon guys lighten up.
re: NOS Rotors. Yes, $1200.00 is more than I would want to pay, BUT, they're NOS, they're his NOS, this is America, and he can ask whatever he likes, and, no one's forcing you to buy them. C'mon guys lighten up.

no ones forcing him to sell them at $1200 either. Truth be told,it's allowed for idiots to be idiots in a free society but not without everyone else pointing it out.

It's well within your rights to tell him he's a moron too!
I understand high NOS prices on parts for Hemi cars and low number rare cars when you're building a 100 point car, but please explain what A-Body is so rare that you would want to spend $1200 on NOS rotors? Not to mention who would want "rusty" NOS parts?

Sounds like the price our local Midas would want for rotors, maybe he works there? that would explain it.

Welcome to the wonderful world of the Barret Jackson era. Mr. White Trash just seen an LS6 454 Chevelle sell for $500,000 so that means he can get that for his rusted 307 Malibu.
Oh my bajeebers! Theres only 20 minutes left!!!1! I better put in the winning bid before someone kills this deal!!!! LOL
hellion those are some cheap rotors! $75 for 2! Up here in Canada,the local jobber wants $125 for 1!