Why Boxer dog's die young

Not a boxer story, but...

A friend of mine (Frog, he was a fishing guide) had a beautiful redbone hound puppy, he named Rufus. Frog was out chipping golfballs into the lake where he lived (his brother was a marina diver and the balls made for good practice) and Rufus walked up under his legs during his backswing and caught a mouthfull of 9-iron. He rushed the pup to the vet and he ended up being Ok, but his snout was pretty messed up and even as an adult, he never had teeth in the front. Rufus grew into a really nice looking dog, dispite the jacked-up face, and actually suited Frog better, since he had a pretty jacked-up face himself. He could only eat soft food - Rufus not Frog.

Always remember where your pup is, just like a human toddler - they will get underfoot, under car, generally in harms way.

Frog and some of his friend had a cookout on the lake, you know, burgers, etc. When they came in from swimming and got the fire going, the hamburger was gone. It was one of those 10 lb. plastic tubes. Frog just figured he had forgotten to bring it and walked over to the marina to buy more. The next day Rufus was not moving very quickly. We noticed finally something red and white hanging from Rufus' "chute". It was the plastic hamburger tube. Frog finally got to Rufus and stood on the plastic while the hound slowly slid, drug and crawled away. It was pretty much in one piece. Rufus was ok and lived a long happy life (I think he was 16 when he died). The two stories made Rufus famous aboung the tourists and locals alike, he was a friendly and outgoing dog, for a hound.

So watch what you leave lying around. Dogs have an amazing sense of smell (even with a jacked-up face) and an amazing capacity for getting into trouble.

Great advice 4flats! I might add another story that I've posted before:

My friend Scott had a German Shepherd Dog mix named Buddy that he had for about 2 years. One day him, his girfriend and his girlfriends young daughter left for 15 minutes to run to the drug store and came back to find his dog dead. It seems that a friend of his that was over a few hours earlier had finished up a mylar bag of potato chips and thrown it in the small, open kitchen garbage can and Buddy got into it and suffacated himself. It was tragic and I can't imagine how tough it was for the little girl to see thier dog dead in a pile of poop.

Ever since then I always cut the bottoms out of any plastic bags that get thrown out. One of those big stainless kitchen garbage cans with a lid is a good idea too but a good size dog can knock those over if so inclined.

Just a word of warning. I'd hate to see anyone ever have to go through this ever again.

One more thing, don't play with your dog on a slick wood floor. That's how Maxi broke her leg. Her leg still isn't right and been almost a year. I wish I could roll back time.
Not having read the whole thread yet, but I have a 7 year old male Boxer named Curly, the coolest dog I have ever had. The things we have to watch for is strictly no table scraps, they have a problem with their intestions, they can knot up. Every time he gets scraps or even into the cat food he gets the squirts and is miserable for a day or so. we have to keep a very close watch on his diet. Also worth mentioning, watch for the toys they play with, we had a mixed puppy before the Boxer and he had a knot toy thr kind that was made ot braided string made for dogs and a ball with 3 spikes sticking out from it, he got really sick and had to have part of his intestines removed because of the string he pulled off the knot toy and a piece of rubber ball toy stuck in the intestines and the string wraped around them, long story short both toys were sold as play toys by the Hartz corp. my wife sent them a letter asking for a warning label to be put on it to say always supervise, they refused to do that but took care of the vet bills with out being asked to. The point is to keep a close eye on the diet and the things they play with. Ed
We also use Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance Duck & Potato formula. Both our Rhodesian Ridgeback and Siberian Husky seem to love it.
We started using it on our previous Ridgeback when he developed an allergy to wheat.
My first post of 2011!
I made Chase a couple of mixtures last night. I swear he knew it was for him when I was cooking.lol. I used chicken in one and 90 lean ground beef in the other. Each recipe was 4 cups meat, 4 cups rice and 2cup carrot/celery puree. Mix well and serve in 2 cup servings, fridge the rest for the week. Once its mixed the carrot mix color makes it look like seasoning salt. Well he had the beef for dinner and the chicken for breakfast. Clean plate club!=P~
I love to cook so the extra time is not a factor. If you think about wouldn't want to spend the extra time on someone you love.:clock: This was just like making a big pot of chicken stock for me.
I have been giving him chicken samples since I got him last Thursday and notice a defference when he was eating the bag food. He has a couple of small red/pink splotches that seem to get redder with the bag food. Plus his stool was runny when I got him and it is back to how it should be.
I was at the local Sams club pricing dog food and looking at labels. Cheapest 40lb bag was $19 and had mostly grain fillers or worse for the first 5 ingredients. They had one with lamb as the first ingredient for $35 for a 40lb bag. But after lamb it was all the grain fillers from there.:angry7:
I did find this bag of treats(which most are full of fillers) that I would like to share. Its chicken jerkey for dogs. I have tasted and it has no seasoning so its worse then chewing leather. If you buy in bulk the price isn't to bad.


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If anyone is searching for a good dog food that is grain free my dogs Brownie and Cuda love Natural Balance. There has been a tone of problems with dog food causing liver and kidney problems so do some research and checkout your brand to see if there have been some with yours. These problems can take our friends in a hurry.
Homecloned, Chase looks like a pit bull to me. I have three pits. One female, 4 yrs old yesterday, and two males, 3 and 2. Not boxers, but also great dogs with a VERY undeserved reputation. They are great pets.
Homecloned, Chase looks like a pit bull to me. I have three pits. One female, 4 yrs old yesterday, and two males, 3 and 2. Not boxers, but also great dogs with a VERY undeserved reputation. They are great pets.

It depends on how he's standing. If he's lying down sometimes but when he is standing alert he defenitly looks boxer. His spots make him look like a dalmation. lol. He is 100% boxer going back a couple gens.
I have heard pit bulls can be loving dogs and knew people with them growing up. But I did see some bad fights with them also.

Chase is adapting very well. He has not had an accident since day 3 and loves his new home. He follows me or Mary all over and has even shown sign of protection when he hears odd noises. Man I love this dog!


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If you can keep your dog outside all the time8) I have feed raw deer to them and let them chew on the bones , but my dog was raised on Natures choice till he was about 11 mouths old deer/ Buffalo :happy10: and now on 4 heath 0 wheat!! These dogs don't need to eat much :clock: You look like your boxer is moving forward :cheers: He is a full breed from what I can see and looking good homecloned :cheers: I bet he follows you to the bathroom and everywhere now, and if you say WHO's Here he will take off to the door or window :-D I sure like Chase =P~, He will be good to you and your family for many year's :cheers:

Bud said hello this morning Noel :happy10:, He is fully grown now I hope :-D


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Mike, Buddy is a big boy! Deer meat is probably real good, nice and lean. I have noticed muscle developement in Chases theighs and shoulders from all the playing we are doing. He love to wrestle and I get him in some holds where he cant get to me with his mouth. He is such a character.:toothy10:

Here is one of his favorite spots to watch me in th kitchen. And yes he does follow me everywhere untill he gets bored with where im at. He is very protective already with strange noises in the night.


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Yeah they could. lol:grommit: Love the blue eyes.

I came across this on a boxer site I visit and thought I would share.

A Pet's Ten Commandments

1. My life is likely to last 10 to 15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful.

2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.

3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being.

4. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment, but I only have you.

5. Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me.

6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.

7. Before you hit me, remember that I could hurt you, and yet I choose not to bite you.

8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.

9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too, will grow old.

10. On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me please. Never say you can't bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so.

~Author Unknown
Wow!! Good to see ya back, and I must say Chase is looking happy and healthy :thumbrig:
With out a doubt he is 100% Boxer :cool: Just look at those long legs and that picture of him on the couch makes me smile, he is at home now :iconbigg: You and Chase are very lucky to have each other:love8: Thank you for the boxer site I like all of the lines, but #5 makes me feel better about myself, I knew I was not crazy :iconbigg: