Will this buff out?



Sarcasm Inc.
Feb 12, 2012
Reaction score
Irvington ,Indiana
[ame="http://www.ebay.com/itm/261611027820?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT"]Plymouth Barracuda 2 Door | eBay[/ame]
11000 for that? whole drivers side nose smashed in '74 cuda 440 (original 318 car)

not a high dollar model to begin with. makes you wonder if the guy is making ebay accounts just to bid against himself and make it look like people are bidding.

$11k for a smashed cuda and get this, reserve not met yet
Must be seen to be appreciated??? How steep/long of a driveway does this guy have? Awful lot of damage considering the claim...
Must be seen to be appreciated??? How steep/long of a driveway does this guy have? Awful lot of damage considering the claim...
What I was thinking, has to be a VERY steep driveway, if story is to be believed.
Can't believe someone would pay $11k for that. Given the shape of the rest of the car though, it might be legit.

Look for it for sale on a flipper's website (or right back on eBay!) soon for $30k with a new fender, hood, grille, bumper and valance with almost matched paint and no pictures of the driver's front frame rail...:banghead:.
I Googled the guys 'driveway'...
LOL! ok maybe if his driveway was that steep I could see it causing that type of damage.
car looks real nice, too bad it has that damage now. Maybe he's just fed up with the whole deal because of the damage. Learn to leave it in gear and use the emer brake next time.
Looks like it was a sweet, well done car before the accident.
I'd say its repairable and worth a fair jag of money repaired.

If I was buying, I'd want to see it in person before the purchase.
Up to 14,200 reserve not met
:violent1: to bidder
Yeah i bet it looks worse in person also i bet that thing will need to see some time on a frame machine. "It runs fine" ? Looks to me by the pictures that the fan is touching the radiator.
"Its a little hard to turn because the tire hits" umm yeah ya think.